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Safety Information
Refer to the following information to use your product safely, and to reduce the chance of electric shock,
short-circuiting, damage, fire, hearing impairment or other hazards. Improper handling may void the
warranty for your product. For more information, read the warranty available with your product.
l Do not dismantle or attempt to repair your product.
Refer all servicing to authorized repair agents.
l Do not expose your product to temperatures outside the range of C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F).
l Do not pierce, crush or set fire to your product.
l Keep your product away from strong magnetic objects.
l Do not subject your product to excessive force or impact.
l Do not expose your product to water or moisture.
If your product is moisture-resistant, take care not to immerse your product in water or expose it to
l Use a mains plug that is appropriate for your country or region.
l To be completely disconnected from the power input, the mains plug has to be disconnected /
detached from the mains.
l Disconnect the mains plug when the device is expected to be unused for several days.
l Place the product near a socket outlet, which is easily accessible.
Bluetooth Product
l The short wave radio frequency signals of a Bluetooth device may impair the operation of other
electronic and medical devices.
l Switch off the device where it is prohibited. Do not use the device in medical facilities, aircraft,
refueling points, close to automatic doors, automatic fire alarms or other automatically controlled
l Keep this device at least 20 cm from pacemakers and other medical devices. Radio waves may
impair the operation of pacemakers and other medical devices.
Embedded Battery
l Do not attempt to remove the embedded battery.
The product must be disposed of according to local environmental regulations. To replace the
battery, return your product to your regional support office. For product service information, go to
l Do not expose to excessive heat such as sunlight, fire or the like.
CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by incorrect types.
l Do not listen to audio on your earbuds or headphones at high volume for prolonged periods of time
as hearing loss may result. For users in the United States, go to www.hei.org for more information.
l Do not listen to your audio device at high volume when driving, cycling or crossing the road,
especially in heavy traffic, or in any other traffic condition where such use will hinder safe travel on
the roads. We recommend that consumers be extremely cautious when using this device on the
Safety Information 59

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