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Always follow basic safety precautions when using electrical products, especially when
children are present.
the instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious personal
1. This product is intended for indoor, non-commercial, household use for temporarily
heating residential rooms. Do not use the product for any other purpose.
2. Do not leave the product unattended while it is in use. Always unplug the product
from the electrical outlet when it is not in use.
3. Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets. This product is not intended
for use by children.
4. Place the product on a flat, steady, stable, heat-resistant surface.
Never place the
device directly in front of or under a socket.
5. This product has hot parts inside. Do not use it in areas where gasoline, paint, or
flammable liquids are used or stored, as there may be a risk of fire or explosion.
6. Use the product in a well-ventilated area. This heater is hot when in use. To avoid
burns, do not let bare skin touch a hot surface. Use handle when moving this heater.
Keep combustible materials, such as furniture, pillows, bedding, paper, clothes, and
curtains at least 3 feet (0.9 meters) from all sides of the heater.
7. Use this heater only as described in this manual. Any other use not recommended
by the manufacturer may cause fire, electric shock, or personal injury.
8. Do not insert or allow foreign objects to enter any opening on the heater as this may
cause an electric shock, fire, or product damage.
9. Do not use this product to dry or heat clothing, shoes, pipes, or any other item.
10. This heater is not intended for use in damp/wet locations.
11. Never locate heater where it may fall into a bathtub or other water container.
12. Do not move the product when it is heated. Allow the product to thoroughly cool
before handling it.
13. Plug the product into a standard 120V AC electrical outlet.
14. Do not allow the Power Cord to hang (e.g., over the edge of a table or counter) or
place/run the Power Cord under rugs, carpeting, or in high-traffic areas where it may
be tripped over or pulled.
15. To disconnect the product, press the Power button on the display panel and then
remove the plug from the electrical outlet. Never pull on the Power Cord when
disconnecting from power outlet.
16. Do not put any stress on the Power Cord where it connects to the product, as the
Power Cord could fray and break.
17. Do not plug or unplug the product from the electrical outlet with wet hands.
18. Keep the Power Cord and product away from heated surfaces.
19. Do not operate any heater with a damaged cord or plug, after the heater
malfunctions, or has been dropped or damaged in any manner. Return the product
to a service facility for examination, electrical or mechanical adjustment, or repair.
To prevent a possible fire, do not block heat in any manner. In order to avoid
overheating, do not cover the heater. Never cover the top or bottom heat vents.
CAUTION: Do not use this device with a programmer, time switch or any other
device which would switch the device on automatically, because there is a danger of a
fire if the device is covered or incorrectly located.

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