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Dear customer,
We would like to thank and congratulate you for your choice.
This practical modern appliance has been made using materials of
the highest quality, which have been put through the strictest of
Quality Controls during manufacture and meticulously tested to
We kindly ask you to read and follow these simple instructions
in order to guarantee first-class results from the very start. This
booklet contains important information not only concerning use,
but also concerning your own personal safety and maintenance of
the appliance.
Our products need to be carefully packed to protect them during
transportation. All the material used for packing is considered
essential for this purpose and is also completely recyclable. You
too can contribut towards protecting the environment by disposing
of this material at your nearest recyclable refuse collection point.
Do not dispose of used cooking oil down the kitchen sink. Oil may
seriously damage the environment. Dispose of it in a closed container
at your nearest collection point or, failing this, dispose of it in your
rubbish bin. Although this last solution is far from perfect, your oil
will be taken to a controlled refuse dump where it will not be allowed
to pollute water. You and your children will appreciate it.
Render your old appliance useless before disposing of it at your
nearest recyclable refuse collection centre.
Your local authority will be pleased to inform you where your nearest
centre is.
Packaging and old appliances
Unpack the appliance and dispose of the packaging
in an environmentallyĆresponsible manner.
This appliance is labelled in accordance with the
European Directive 2002/96/EC concerning used
electrical and electronic appliances (waste electrical
and electronic equipment - WEEE).
The guideline determines the framework for the return
and recycling of used appliances as applicable.
Disposing in an
responsible manner
If th e sym bol appears on the specifications plate, follow these instructions:
ensure that they meet all of your cooking demands.
not meet your expectations in terms of quality, please inform us as
In the unlikely event that the appliance should arrive damaged or
not have been tampered with, or used inappropriately.
soon as possible. For the warranty to be valid, the appliance must

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