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The top (04) of the CONCORD COCOON can be used as a nappy changing
mat. Simply open the zip (03) and remove the top part (04).
The guarantee begins on the day of purchase. The guarantee period
corresponds to the statutory warranty period in the end-user’s country
concerned. At the manufacturer’s discretion, the guarantee shall cover
rectification, replacement or a price reduction.
The guarantee is valid for the original purchaser only. In the event of any
defect, claims can not be considered unless the specialist dealer is notified
of the fault as soon as it occurs for the first time. If the specialist dealer
is unable to remedy the problem himself, he must return the product to
the manufacturers together with details of the complaint, official proof of
purchase and the purchase date. The manufacturers assume no liability for
faulty goods that they did not supply.
The guarantee does not apply where:
• theproducthasbeenmodified;
• theproductisnotbroughtbacktothespecialistdealercompletewith
proof of purchase within 14 days of the defect occurring;
• thedefectwascausedbyimproperusageormaintenanceordueto
anything else deemed to be the fault of the user, in particular failure to
comply with the instructions for use;
• repairshavebeencarriedoutontheproductbythirdparties;
• thedefectwascausedastheresultofanaccident.
• theserialnumberhasbeendamagedorremoved
The guarantee makes no provision for any alteration or deterioration to the
product that is incurred through normal usage (wear and tear). The period
of guarantee shall not be extended by any remedial measures carried out by
the manufacturers in the event of a claim.

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De handleiding is 1,3 mb groot.


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