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• Symptom: Monitor display fails to come on when
you start to row.
Possible Cause # 1: If you just changed the bat-
teries, they may be in upside down.
Remedy 1:Try reversing the orientation of the bat-
teries. See page 35.
Remedy 2: If you have not just changed the batter-
ies, try pressing the ON/OFF button. If there is still no
life in the display, you could try new batteries. If this
doesn’t help, contact Concept2. If the ON/OFF button
does activate the display (with zeroes), there may be a
problem with the monitor pickup.
Possible Cause # 2: Performance Monitor
pickup wire may not be securely plugged in on back of
Remedy: Make sure the plug is inserted completely.
• Symptom: Faded or incomplete segments on the
PM2 display.
Possible Cause: Poor connection between LCD
and circuit board.
Remedy: Perform the self-test as shown on page
19 and call Concept2 toll free at 1.800.245.5676.
• Symptom: Entire monitor screen (not just Heart
Rate display) goes blank when the Heart Rate cable is
plugged in.
Possible Cause: A short circuit that occurs if the
Heart Rate cable is plugged into the PM2 while the
monitor is turned ON.
Remedy: Push the ON/OFF button once to turn the
PM2 off, then push the ON/OFF button again to turn
the PM2 back on again. We suggest that the Heart
Rate cable be plugged into the monitor when the PM2
is turned off.
• Symptom: The heart rate reading is erratic or is
totally absent.
NOTE: Occasionally the Heart Rate Monitor will pick
up bad data for a number of reasons. When the
PM2 recognizes bad data, the display will go
blank rather than show the bad data. It will take
5 seconds or longer to reestablish and display
accurate readings.
Possible Cause #1: Poor contact between skin
and electrodes.
Remedy 1: Repeat the electrode wetting procedure
(see page 21). The electrodes must be wet to pick up
accurate heart rate readings.
Remedy 2: Make sure the transmitter is centered
with electrodes flat against your skin, as high under the
pectoral muscles as is comfortable.
Remedy 3: Wash your belt transmitter with mild soap
and water, if you have not been doing so regularly.
Possible Cause # 2: Receiver too far away from
Remedy: Make sure your Receiver is within the
proper range to receive transmission (1 meter/3 feet
from your chest belt).
Possible Cause # 3: Bad cable connections
Remedy: Check the connection on the back of the
PM2 where the receiver cable plugs in. Check the
connection between the cable and the receiver.
Possible Cause # 4: Outside interference
Remedy: If you are exercising within range of
strong electromagnetic signals the heart rate readings
may elevate to abnormal levels. Common sources of
electromagnetic signals are televisions, computers,
cars, TV antennas, high voltage power lines and motor
driven exercise equipment.
Possible Cause # 5: Signals from more than one
Belt Transmitter within the transmission range
(1 meter/3 feet) may also cause incorrect readings.
Remedy: Check your surroundings and move away
from the source of interference if possible.
NOTE: Two Indoor Rowers with heart rate hardware
must be at least 4 feet (1.22 meters) apart to avoid
Schematics for all parts of the Indoor Row-
er and detailed instructions for repair and/
or replacement of parts are available.
In the event you may have questions or
problems or if further troubleshooting as-
sistance is needed, please call Concept2
toll free at 1.800.245.5676 in the USA and

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