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Printed in China Part No. 480-780-P Version A
Use this instruction sheet for pairing with
Android devices. If you have an iOS device,
use the other quick start guide included in
this package.
Cobra iRadar uses Bluetooth
technology to connect your Android
- based
smartphone to display radar alerts and
change settings.
Follow these simple steps to get your
Cobra iRadar up and running.
Cobra iRadar is made for
based smartphones running
OS 2.1 or higher.
NOTE: This device complies with part 15 of FCC rules: Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
CAUTION: Modifi cations or parts not approved by Cobra Electronics
Corporation may violate FCC Rules and void authority to operate this
For Android
Pairing to iRadar
iRadar uses Bluetooth
wireless technology to
communicate with your Android smart phone.
In order to pair with iRadar, go to the Bluetooth
Settings Menu on your phone. On most Android
phones, this is found by pressing; Menu ->
Settings -> Wireless & networks ->
Bluetooth settings.
Press “Scan for Devices” and select iRADAR
from the list.
Pairing can take up to 30 seconds. If you are
prompted to “Accept password to pair” press
Confi rm. When iRadar is properly paired, the
message “Paired but not connected” will be
displayed under iRADAR in the Bluetooth
Settings menu.
For more information on pairing with Bluetooth
devices, consult your phone’s owner’s manual.
Now that your are paired with iRadar, you must
connect using the Cobra iRadar App.
Quick Start Guide
For Pairing With Android
Connecting with Cobra iRadar
Plug in your Cobra iRadar detector unit using
the included cigarette lighter adapter.
Turn unit on. A red LED will light. Make sure the
iOS/Android toggle switch is switched towards
the green circle. This will allow the unit to com-
municate with your Android smartphone. When
switched toward the white circle, your iRadar
will only communicate with iOS devices.
Power/Volume Wheel
iOS/Android Mode
Toggle Switch
iRADR150_ANDROID_QSG.indd 1 3/20/12 4:19 PM

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