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USB 5V Output
• AC receptacle
• Low battery shutdown
• Automatic thermal
Thank you for purchasing the CPI 200 CH Power Inverter
from Cobra
. When used properly, your unit will give you
many years of reliable service. The operating features
of your CPI 200 CH include:
200 Watt
200 CH
How Your Cobra
Inverter Works
The Cobra
Power Inverter takes
low voltage DC (direct current)
power from your automobile or
other low voltage power supply
and converts it to standard
110 volt AC (alternating
current) power like the
electrical current you have
in your home. Simply by
plugging your CPI 200 into
your vehicle’s cigarette lighter
socket, you can use many of
your household appliances
and electronic products in
automobiles, RVs, boats,
tractors, trucks, and virtually
anywhere else.
Customer Assistance
You can receive technical
assistance with your unit
through one of our customer
support services:
Automated Help Desk
is available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week at
Customer Service Operators
are available at
Monday - Friday,
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Central Time.
Questions can be faxed
to 773-622-2269.
Automated Technical
Assistance is available 24 hrs.,
7 days a week via e-mail at:
On-line answers to
frequently asked questions can
be found at: www.cobra.com.
For additional Customer Service
information, see page 8-9.
Cobra Electronics Corporation
6500 West Cortland Street
Chicago, Illinois 60707 USA
Cobra Electronics Corporation warrants
that its Cobra
Power Inverter, and the
component parts thereof, will be free
of defects in material and workmanship
for a period of one (1) year from the
date of consumer purchase. This
warranty may be enforced by the first
consumer purchaser, provided that the
product is utilized within the U.S.A.
will, without charge, repair
or replace, at its option, a defective
inverter upon delivery to the Cobra
Factory Service Department,
accompanied by proof of the date
of first consumer purchase, such as
duplicated sales receipt.
You must pay initial shipping
charges required to ship the product
for warranty service, but the return
charges will be at Cobra’s expense,
if the product is repaired or replaced
under warranty.
This warranty gives you specific
legal rights, and you may also
have other rights which vary
from state to state.
Exclusions: This limited warranty
does not apply 1) to any product
damaged by accident; 2) in the
event of misuse or abuse of the
product or as a result of unauthorized
alterations or repairs; 3) if the serial
number has been altered, defaced
or removed; 4) if the owner of the
product resides outside the U.S.A.
All implied warranties, including
warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose are
limited in duration to the length
of this warranty.
shall not be liable for any
incidental, consequential or other
damages; including, without
limitation, damages resulting from
loss of use or cost of installation.
Some states do not allow limitations
on how long an implied warranty
lasts and/or do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental
or consequential damages, so the
above limitations may not apply to you.
Cigarette Lighter Plug
AC Receptacle
Power Cord

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