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Important Information And
Customer Assistance
Important Information
Federal Laws Governing The Use Of Radar Detectors
It is not against federal law to receive radar transmissions with your Cobra radar/
laser detector. The Communications Act of 1934 guarantees your right to receive
radio transmissions on any frequency. Local laws that contravene this Act, while
illegal, may be enforced by your local law enforcement officials until and unless
they are prohibited from doing so by federal court action.
Safety Alert
Use of this product is not intended to, and does not, ensure that motorists or
passengers will not be involved in traffic accidents. It is only intended to alert
the motorist that an emergency vehicle equipped with a Cobra Safety Alert
transmitter is within range as defined by that product. Please call local fire
and police departments to learn if coverage exists in your area.
Safe Driving
Motorists, as well as operators of emergency or service vehicles, are expected to
exercise all due caution while using this product, and to obey all applicable traffic laws.
Security Of Your Vehicle
Before leaving your vehicle, always remember to conceal your radar detector
in order to reduce the possibility of break-in and theft.
Customer Assistance
Should you encounter any problems with this product, or not understand its many features,
please refer to this owner’s manual. If you require further assistance after reading this
manual, Cobra Electronics offers the following customer assistance services:
For Assistance in the U.S.A.
Automated Help Desk English only. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 773-889-3087 (phone).
Customer Assistance Operators English and Spanish. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central Time
Mon. through Fri. (except holidays) 773-889-3087 (phone).
Questions English and Spanish. Faxes can be received at 773-622-2269 (fax).
Technical Assistance English only. www.cobra.com (on-line: Frequently Asked
Questions). English and Spanish. product info@cobra.com (e-mail).
For Assistance Outside the U.S.A.
Contact Your Local Dealer
ESD 767
Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra
EnglishNothing Comes Close to a Cobra
Operating Instructions
Printed in China
Part No. 480-450-P
Version D
For more information or to
order any of our products,
please visit our website:
©2008 Cobra Electronics Corporation
6500 West Cortland Street
Chicago, Illinois 60707 USA
CB Radios
Radar/Laser Detectors
Safety Alert
Traffic Warning Systems
VHF Radios
Marine Chartplotters
Power Inverters
The Cobra line of quality products includes:
Customer Assistance
ESD767_Cover.qxd:7000-Cover 10/21/08 9:21 AM Page 1

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