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Dear Customer
We wish you much pleasure with
your new electric kettle.
Your Cloer Company
Preparation for use
Remove all packaging elements and labels, but
not the rating plate.
Place the electric kettle on a dry, even, non-slip
CE marking
The appliance meets the require-
ments of the applicable EC direc-
Indoor use
The appliance is intended for in
door use only.
Before initial use
Please read these operating instructions care-
fully before using the device for the  rst time.
Shake out the water from the rst boiling pro-
Safety notices for use of the contact base /
electric kettle
Do not  ll the electric kettle with water past the
MAX marking. Scalding may result from water
boiling over.
Always remove the electric kettle from the
contact base before  lling with water.
This electric kettle may only be used for heating
Use the electric kettle only with the provided
contact base.
Before operating the machine, make sure that
the contact base is dry.
Please make sure that water is never spilled on
the contact base.
If water is accidentally spilled onto the contact
base, proceed as follows:
Unplug the unit from the wall socket.
Dry the contact base with an absorbent
dry kitchen towel.
Dry the surface beneath the contact base.
Plug the unit into the wall socket again.
Never operate the electric kettle without
the lid closed and without lime  lter, since
then the device will not shut o automatical-
ly when the water boils.
The surface is hot during operation.
Only touch the device at its handle.
Plug the power plug into the wall socket.
Remove the electric kettle from the contact base.
Open the lid of the removable kettle by pressing
the button to open the lid.
NOTE: For your safety, the lid is equipped
with a locking device. If the electric kettle
is accidentally overturned during use, the lid will
not open. This reduces the risk of being scalded
by spilled water.
Fill the electric kettle with water.
Close the lid manually.
MAKE SURE not to  ll water past the MAX mar-
king (4110/4111= 1,7l, 4120/4121 = 1,2l) on the
water level display.
Place the electric kettle anywhere on the contact
base. The unit is now ready for operation.
To switch it on, press the ON/OFF switch
on the bottom of the handle. The switch locks
into place and the control lamp lights up.
After boiling process the electric kettle
automatically switches o .
You can interrupt the boiling process at
any time by pushing up the ON/OFF switch.
IMPORTANT: Always make sure that the device
is switched o before removing the electric
kettle from the contact base.
Overheating protection device
The electric kettle is equipped with a double-
action overheating protection device. In the
event that you accidentally operate the elec-
tric kettle without water or if the water level is
too low, causing the water to evaporate during
boiling, the device will automatically switch
o for your safety. The device will be ready to
operate once it has been  lled with cold water.
CAUTION: The appliance must not be immersed
in water! Do not clean the electric kettle with
heavily abrasive cleaners. They could scratch
the appliance.
Clean very dirty appliances with a damp cloth.
Removing / cleaning the lime filter
The lime filter is located below the pouring
spout inside of the kettle (Fig. 1).
To remove, press the upper flat edge with your
thumbs to release the two brackets (Fig.2). Then
remove the filter towards the top.
Clean the lime filter with a little bit of soapy wa-
ter and put it with the notch located below (Fig.
3) first back into the holder of the kettle until it
clicks into place.
ments of the applicable EC direc-
Basic safety instructions
This electrical appliance is exclusively determined for private use
and using in:
– staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments
– in farm houses
– by clients in hotels , motels and other residential type environ-
– on bed and breakfast type environments.
Have repairs of Cloer electronic appliances carried out only by
authorized Cloer specialist dealers or by the Cloer customer service.
Improper repairs can involve substantial dangers for the user. Fur-
thermore, this will void your warranty claims.
Only operate the appliance at household-usual power sockets. Check
if the mains voltage stated on the type plate is up to that of your
power supply network.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by an authorized
Cloer specialist dealer or the Cloer customer service to avoid endan-
Pull power plug of the power socket
– in case of a defect.
– if the appliance is not used for a longer time.
– before any cleaning.
Only pull at the plug, never at the feed cable.
Do not tighten the feed cable too tight as otherwise the appliance is
likely to tip over.
Do not stretch the feed cable over sharp edges.
Do not use the feed cable for carrying and protect it from heat (hot-
plate/ open flame).
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above
if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of
the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.
Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children un-
less they are older than 8 and supervised. Keep the appliance and its
cord out of reach of children less than 8 years.
Children shall not play with the appliance.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction
concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible of their safety.
Protect your appliance from humidity (splash water / rain).
Let the appliance cool off before cleaning or stowing away.
The appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an exter-
nal timer or seperate remote-control system.
Use the electric kettle only with the provided contact base.
Do not immerse appliance or base in water and do not clean under
running water!

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