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EN Instructions
Customer Service / Importer:
DS Produkte GmbH, Am Heisterbusch 1, 19258 Gallin, Germany •
+49 38851 314650 *)
*) Calls to German landlines are subject to charges. The cost varies depending on the service provider.
All rights reserved.
Dear Customer,
We are delighted that you have chosen this spray mop. If you
have any questions, contact the customer service department via
our website: www.service-shopping.de
This article is suitable for the dry and damp cleaning of smooth
surfaces (fl oors, stairs etc.).
The article is designed for personal use only and is not in-
tended for commercial applications. Only use it as described
in the operating instructions. Any other use is deemed to be
The following are excluded from the warranty: all defects
caused by improper handling, damage or unauthorised at-
tempts at repair. This also applies to normal wear and tear.
Keep children and animals away from the packaging material.
There is a danger of suffocation!
Only use accessories from the manufacturer.
Do not drop the article or subject it to severe impacts.
Maintain a suf cient distance from sources of heat such as
hobs, ovens, fi replaces or naked fl ames, etc.
Do not expose the article to extreme temperatures, strong tem-
perature fl uctuations or direct sunlight.
Items Supplied and Article Overview
1 Handle
2 Spray trigger
3 Upper shaft
4 Lower shaft
5 Holder
6 Water container
(max. 350 ml)
7 Spray head
8 Spray nozzle
9 Cleaning foot and fl oor
cloth (with 2 sides: che-
nille and coral)
Before Initial Use
Water residues in the water container are attributable to
quality checks.
1. Unpack all parts and remove all protective lms and stickers
that may be present. Check the items supplied for possible
transport damage. If you should fi nd any transport damage, do
not use the article(!), but contact the customer service depart-
ment immediately.
2. Plug together the upper (3) and lower (4) shaft and the cleaning
foot (9). All parts must engage in one another.
Make sure when cleaning laminate fl oors that you do not spray
too much cleaning liquid onto the oor as otherwise the lami-
nate could swell!
1. Remove the water container (6)
from the spray head (7): Twist the
holder (5) which fi xes the water con-
tainer (6) in place at the top until it
is released. It can then be removed.
2. Unscrew the lid from the water con-
tainer (6).
3. Pour water and a little cleaning
agent if necessary into the water
container (6).
4. Screw the lid back onto the water
container (6) and push it with the lid
rst into the spray head (7). Make
sure that it locks in place.
5. Place the oor cloth around the
cleaning foot (9) and close the hook-
and-loop fastener.
6. You can now start cleaning the oor:
Press the spray trigger (2) a few
times to make the fl oor damp.
7. Mop the wet oor with the oor
cloth (9). Spray a little more if nec-
8. Turn over the cleaning foot (9) and
then mop the wet fl oor until it is dry.
If you are cleaning fairly large sur-
faces, the water container (6) may
need to be topped up in between
You can use the exible cleaning
foot (9) to clean skirting boards, for
After Use
1. Always fully empty the water container (6) after use! Rinse
it with clear water. Allow it to dry before you close it for safe
2. Remove the oor cloth (9). Wash it in accordance with the
washing instructions on the label. You can wash it in the wash-
ing machine. Do not use any fabric softener as this can
reduce the suction of the oor cloth (9)! Then allow the oor
cloth (9) to dry in the air.
3. Clean the other parts of the mop with a damp cloth and mild
washing-up liquid if necessary. Do not use any caustic or
abrasive cleaning agents or cleaning pads!
4. Once all parts are dry, store the article in a clean, dry, frost-
free location that is out of the reach of children and animals.
If you want to take the mop apart,
press the locking lugs of the lower
shaft (4) and the cleaning foot (9)
and pull the parts simultaneously to
separate them.
The packaging material is recyclable. Please dispose of it
in an environmentally friendly manner and take it to a re-
cycling centre. Dispose of the article in an environmentally
friendly manner as well. You can obtain more information
from your local authorities.
Product number: 04061 (red)
Product number: 04068 (limegreen)
Z SMf M DS V3 1116

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