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Filling the water tank
Always turn off the appliance before you ll the water tank.
Never ll the appliance with cleaners or other additives. They may irreparably damage
the appliance and as such, the safe operation of the appliance can no longer be as-
If the power LEDs (12) are blinking red, the water tank (7) is empty and has to be lled.
We recommend that, ideally, you ll the water tank with distilled water to prevent
calci cation, especially if the hardness of your tap water is very high.
1. Take the water tank out of the appliance to ll it. To do so, depress both side release
buttons (6).
2. Open the water tank: Turn the water tank lid (5) a bit in a counterclockwise direction
and remove it.
3. Fill the tank with cold, clean water. You can use the enclosed meas-
uring cup (J) to do so. The tank holds up to 350 ml.
4. Screw the water tank lid back onto the water tank by turning it in a
clockwise direction and then insert the tank back into the main unit.
It must audibly lock into place.
Scalding hazard! Never point the steam towards people, animals, plants or equipment
containing electric components (e. g. stereo systems, televisions, switches, lights, mi-
crowave appliances etc.).
Scalding hazard! Only hold the appliance by the handle during operation.
Scalding hazard! After deactivating the appliance, hot steam is emitted for a few sec-
onds! Even after the appliance has cooled off, the water in the tank is still hot! Be care-
Always shut off the appliance and pull the mains plug out of the socket before you re-
move the oor pad or change the nozzle.
ATTENTION! Scalding hazard! The oor pad / nozzle may be very hot during and short-
ly after use. For this reason, wait a few minutes for the cloth / nozzle to cool off com-
pletely before you remove it.
ATTENTION! Damage to property! Do not use the device on very cold glass surfaces.
Each time before using the appliance, check the oor pad for wear. It may not be used
if it is visibly worn down or is damaged. Otherwise it could damage your oor.
Only use the appliance when it is functional and has been completely assembled and
the oor pad (when cleaning the oor) has been attached.

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