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EN 14
Dangers of Injury
Danger of suffocation from plastic lms and bags! Keep children and animals away
from the packaging material.
Never direct the steam at people, animals or plants. This can cause severe scalding.
Never attempt to smooth clothes while somebody is wearing them.
Open the water reservoir only to ll it. Otherwise keep it closed during operation so
that no hot water can escape.
Make sure that the connected mains cable does not present a trip hazard.
Danger of Electric Shock and Fire
The device should only be connected to a properly installed plug socket with safety
contacts. The plug socket must also be readily accessible after connection so that
the connection to the mains can quickly be isolated. The mains voltage must match
the technical data of the device. Only use suitable extension cables whose technical
data is the same as that of the device.
Never immerse the device, mains cable or plug in water or other liquids and ensure
that they cannot fall into water or become wet.
Should the device fall into water, switch off the power supply immediately. Do not at-
tempt to pull the device out of the water while it is still connected to the mains power!
Never touch the device, mains cable or plug with wet hands when these components
are connected to the mains power.
Never direct the steam directly at mains cables or parts containing electrical com-
ponents (such as inside ovens, fridges, at switches and lights, microwave ovens).
Switch the device off and pull the mains plug out of the plug socket if a fault occurs
while the device is in operation or before a thunderstorm.
Always pull the plug and never the mains cable.
Use the device only in closed rooms.
Do not operate the device in a very damp environment or in the vicinity of combus-
tible material.
Always check the device for damage before putting it into operation. Only use the
device if it along with the mains cable and plug have no signs of damage!
In the event of damage/faults, switch the device off immediately.
Avoiding Damage to Material, Property and the Device
Make sure that the mains cable is not squashed, bent or laid over sharp edges and
does not come into contact with hot surfaces.
Only use the device in places where heat and moisture cannot cause any damage.
Shortly after use, place it down on a water-resistant and heat-resistant surface.
Always work with suf cient lighting.
Never exceed the maximum ll level (note MAX marking on the measuring cup!).
Never pour any descaling or cleaning agent or other chemical additives into the de-
vice. This may destroy the device and safe working is no longer guaranteed.
Never cover up the steam nozzles and do not stick any objects into them.

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