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Cleaning the carpet
Do not use the device as a conventional vacuum cleaner.
Always make sure that there is no risk of the device tipping over. The water could leak
out of the water tanks. To stow the device, position the handle in an upright position so
that it locks into place.
Never leave the device unattended while switched on.
Turn off the device before you remove a water tank.
Do not excessively wet the carpet.
1. Determine where you want to start and stop cleaning without stepping on the area
of the carpet that was just cleaned. We recommend that right-handed persons
start on the right carpet edge and left handed persons start on the left carpet edge.
Cleaning solution may leak out of device once it is switched off. For this reason, have
a cloth laid out ready that you can place the device on after use.
2. Completely unwind the mains cord from the hook (10), insert it in the cord holder (14)
and connect it with an easily accessible socket whose mains voltage corresponds to
the device’s technical data.
3. Push the On/Off switch (13) to the I position to turn on the device.
4. Step on the pedal (12) and tilt the handle to a position that is
comfortable for you.
5. Roll the device to a corner of the carpet.
6. Push the device forwards along the carpet edge and press
and hold the button for emitting the cleaning solution (9).
This will apply and brush the cleaning solution into the car-
pet. In the process, walk next to the device. Do not step on
the wet carpet! Once you have arrived at the other end of
the carpet, release the button.
7. Now go over the same strip in reverse. The dirty water will be vacuumed up.
8. Start the next strip slightly overlapping the cleaned carpet strip. Work with even for-
ward and backward movements up to the other edge of the carpet. In the event of
stubborn dirt, go over a strip of the carpet several times if necessary.
9. Once the dirty water tank (7) lls up to the Max mark, it will have to be emptied (see
chapter “After use”, section “Cleaning the device”).
10. If you would like to empty the dirty water tank, ll the fresh water tank or end the clean-
ing process, place the device on the cloth you laid out. Turn it off (switch set to 0) and
bring the handle to an upright position.
11. Remove the power plug from the socket.

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