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Ver. 20131212
a. AM (morning, before 1200)
b. PM (afternoon, after 1200)
c. Clock
d. Hour
e. Programme
f. Minutes
g. [ CD ] Countdown
h. Seconds
i. [ RND ] Random
j. No power supply to the wall socket
k. Programme is activated
l. [ S ] Daylight Saving Time
m. Power on
n. Mo–Su Days of the week
Setting theTime and Day
1. Press [ SET ] when “CLOCK” appears in thedisplay. The days
of theweek will start to flash and thesetup can begin.
2. Select theday using theup/down arrows [ ▲ ] and [ ▼ ].
3. Press [ SET ] when thecorrect day appears on thedisplay.
4. The hour digit will now start to flash, select thecorrect hour
using theup/down arrows [ ▲ ] and [  ▼ ], press [ SET ] to save
thesetting when thecorrect hour is shown on thedisplay.
5. The minute digits will start to flash, select thecorrect minute
using theup/down arrows [ ▲ ] and [ ▼ ], press [ SET ] to
save thesetting when thecorrect time is shown on thedisplay.
Programming theTimer
1. Press [ P ] when “CLOCK” appears on thedisplay, 1
and “PROGRAM” are shown, thesymbols mean:
• The number represents theprogramme group (1–10).
• This symbol
indicates when theprogramme comes on.
• This symbol
indicates when theprogramme goes off.
• “PROGRAM” indicates that thedisplay is in programme
2. To select programme group and on/off time: Press [ ▲ ] to
advance in theprogramme groups and on/off time. Press
[ ▲ ] (first come on time) press [ ▲ ] (first go off time) and
so on for as many programmes as are required (up to 10).
→ 1 , 2 2 ... 9 → 9 → 10
Press [ ▼ ] to go backwards in programme group and on/off time.
Press [ ▼ ] (10-off) press [ ▼ ] (10-on) and so on.
→ 10 , 9 → 9 ......2 → 2 → 1 → 1
3. Press [ SET ] to confirm when thesettings appear on
the display.
4. The weekly display will flash, complete thesettings by
pressing [ ▲ ] to advance in thefollowing order:
• Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
The programmes are valid from Monday to Sunday.
• Mo Tu We Th→ Fr Sa Su
The programmes are valid from Monday to Sunday.
• Mo Tu We Th Fr
The programmes are valid from Monday to Friday.
• Sa Su
The programmes are valid from Saturday to Sunday.
• Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
The programmes are valid from Monday to Saturday.
• Mo We Fr
The programme is valid on Monday, Wednesday and
• Tu Th Sa
The programme is valid on Tuesday, Thursday and
• Mo Tu Wed
The programmes are valid from Monday to Wednesday.
• Th Fr Sa
The programmes are valid from Thursday to Saturday.
Digital Time Switch
Art.no 32-8934 Model EF700ET
• Programmable on/off switching of electrical devices, ideal
for lighting.
• Ideal for automation, saving energy and for home safety.
• Can be switched on/off manually like anormal on/off switch.
• Up to 70 on/off operations per week (10 programmes,
10 on, 10 off).
• Countdown or random function.
• Simple conversion to Summer Time.
1. LCD Display - Displays time and programme setting.
2. [ SET ] - Starts and confirms programme.
3. [ RCL ] - Push and hold in to pause/continue programmes.
4. [ P ] - Select programme mode: Programme, Countdown,
Random on/off or Clock.
5. [ ON/OFF ] - On/Off
6. [ ▲ ] - Increase setting when programming.
7. [ ▼ ] - Decrease setting when programming.
8. [ R ] - (Reset) deletes all settings.
Symbols on theDisplay
d e f g h i

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