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Please note that only authorised personnel should install this product. Please
check with your car dealer for recommendations on professional installation
engineers. Check with your car manufacturer’s representative to be sure that
all equipment for this product, including additional accessories, is placed in a
safe location. If your car is equipped with an air bag, check that the handsfree
equipment does not interfere with its function.
This product equipment is made for use in cars with a 12 volt electrical system.
Other supply voltages may cause damage to the equipment.
Radio frequency exposure
This product is a radio transceiver. When in operation, it communicates with
a mobile device featuring
wireless technology by receiving and
transmitting radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (microwaves) in the
frequency range 2400 to 2500 MHz. The output power of the radio transmitter
is low, 0.001 watt.
This product is designed to operate in compliance with the RF exposure
guidelines and limits set by national authorities and international health
agencies when used with any compatible mobile phone with
wireless technology.
Check the laws and regulations on the use of mobile phones and handsfree
equipment in the areas where you drive.
Always give full attention to driving and pull off the road and park before making
or answering a call if driving conditions so require.
RF energy may affect some electronic systems in motor vehicles such as
car stereo, safety equipment etc. Check with your vehicle manufacturer’s
representative to be sure that your mobile phone or this
mobile-phone transceiver will not affect the electronic systems in your
1EN_OM_Receiver BLT373.indd 29 6/4/07 12:13:56 PM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Clarion BLT373

Clarion BLT373 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 31 pagina's

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