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To set the time only:
1) Pull the crown out two steps to the time setting position [2].
2) Rotate the crown clockwise to set the time.
3) Press the crown in two steps to the closed position.
To set the time and calendar:
1) Pull the crown out two steps to the time setting position [2].
2) Rotate the crown clockwise until you see the date change.
Use this as a midnight reference position. Continue turning the
crown to set the current time. This ensures the calendar will
change at night, rather than the day.
3) Push the crown in one step to position [1].
4) Rotate the crown counterclockwise to adjust the date and
clockwise to adjust the day (if featured on your timepiece)
5) Push the crown in one additional step to the closed position
next to the case [0].
1) Pull the crown out one step to the time setting posi-
tion [1].
2) Rotate the crown in either direction to set the time.
3) Push the crown in one step to the closed position [0]
Your timepiece may have many more features or special setting procedures not
found in these basic instructions. Please refer to the separate instruction booklet
that may be included with your timepiece. You may also nd setting instructions,
Eco-Drive recharge information and answers to frequently asked questions in the
technical support section of our web site at www.citizenwatch.com.
Your model may feature a screw-down crown. Be sure to
unscrew the crown prior to setting the time and/or date. After
setting and before any contact with water, be sure to screw the
crown to the case by turning the crown clockwise while apply-
ing gentle pressure in the direction of the case.
Note: Do not unscrew your crown or operate any button if your
timepiece is wet.
Screw-down Crown
To set your basic analog model
Models with a Calendar (Day and/or Date)
Models without a Calendar
Getting Started with Eco-Drive
(Does not apply to conventional battery operated models)
Your new Eco-Drive timepiece is specially powered by proprietary ECO-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY,
which converts any source of light (natural and articial) into usable energy. The harnessed energy
is then stored in a special power reserve to keep your timepiece charged and running properly.
When fully charged, your Eco-Drive will continue running - even in total darkness- for at least six
(6) months. Properly maintained, it will never need another battery.
If you wear your new Citizen Eco-Drive timepiece on a regular basis, recharging will be virtually
automatic as regular exposure to light will keep your power reserve unending.
Recharge times will vary based on your timepiece and the type of light utilized. Direct sunlight is
the fastest, most efcient light source for recharging. Recharging information for your basic analog
timepiece can be found on page 4 of this booklet. For other models, please refer to your specic
instruction booklet or the technical support section of our web site at www.citizenwatch.com.
If you plan to store your Citizen Eco-Drive in the dark, you should do this for no more than six (6)
months. After this extended period of time, you should ensure that your timepiece is exposed to
bright light for the full recharge period as outlined in the recharge guide on page 4 in order to return
your timepiece to a full charge.
Recharging your basic analog Eco-Drive timepiece.
Your Eco-Drive timepiece thrives with regular exposure to light sufcient for charging.
Some circumstances however may prevent your Eco-Drive timepiece from receiving
regular exposure to light sufcient for charging. In these circumstances, you may need
to provide supplemental exposure to light. The chart below outlines general recharging
requirements for your basic analog Eco-Drive timepiece.
After your basic analog Eco-Drive timepiece is fully charged, it will run for a minimum
of six (6) months without further charging.
Overcharge Protection Feature
Your Eco-Drive timepiece features an overcharge prevention system. When the recharge-
able cell is fully charged, special circuits engage to prevent it from becoming over-
charged. There is no need to worry about exposing your timepiece to “too much” light.
Illuminance (lux) Environment
Charge Time
One Day
Time to
Full Charge
3,000 at a distance of 8 inches (20cm) under a 30
watt uorescent light
40 minutes 130 Hours
10,000 Outdoors on a cloudy day 12 minutes 40 Hours
100,000 Outdoors on a sunny day 2 minutes 11 Hours

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Citizen Cal B690 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 13 pagina's

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