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Cal. No. B02/B03
This watch is not powered by an ordinary battery,
but by converting photo energy into electric energy.
A secondary battery is used in this watch to store
electrical energy. This secondary battery is a
clean energy battery which does not use any
toxic substances such as mercury. Once fully
charged, the two-hand model will continue to
run for about 5 months, while the three-hand
model will continue to run for about 2 months,
without further charging.
To use this watch comfortably, make sure that the
watch is always recharged before it stops.
There is no risk of overcharging this watch.
(Overcharge prevention function is included.)
Setting the time
1. Pull the crown out to the time setting position (the
second hand will stop when the crown is pulled
out in the case of the three-hand model).
2. Turn the crown to set the time.
3. After setting the time, firmly push the crown back
in to the normal position.
If the charge becomes insufficient, a warning
function will be activated that causes the display to
change as shown below.
Refer to the explanations of each function on the
following page for further details.
Insufficient Charge Warning Function
In the case of the two-hand model, the minute hand
moves by one minute interval movement, and in the case
of the three-hand model, the second hand moves by two
second interval movement to indicate the insufficient
charging. Although the watch keeps the correct time when
this happens, the watch will stop after about 5 days in the
case of the two-hand model or about one day in the case
of the three-hand model, after the start of the one minute
interval movement or two second interval movement.
Recharge the watch by exposing to light. The watch will
then begin to run normally again.
Before using, expose to light and make sure
the watch is fully charged.
Since it takes time to recharge the watch until
it starts running again once it has stopped, try
to make sure the watch is charged every day.
When the watch is stopped, the watch hands
will begin to move when the watch is charged
for about 5 hours in the case of the two-hand
model or about 1 hour in the case of the
three-hand model at 3000Lux (under a
fluorescent light at a distance of about 20 cm
(8 inch)).
Three-Hand Model
(One second interval
: Second hand moves
once every second.
Two Hand Model
(20 second interval
: Minute hand moves
once every 20 seconds.
Three-Hand Model
(Two second interval
: Second hand moves
once every two seconds.
Two Hand Model
(One minute interval
: Minute hand moves
regularly in three steps
once every minute
Three-Hand Model
(Irregular two second
interval movement)
: Second hand moves
irregularly once every
two seconds.
Two Hand Model
(Irregular one minute
interval movement)
: Minute hand moves
irregularly in three steps
once every minute
If sufficiently
If charged
Normal time
Insufficient charge
warning display
Time setting
warning display
If sufficiently
charged and
time is set
If sufficient
Recharge by
exposing to
If insufficiently
charged and
time is set

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