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Head Office: HARMONY TOWER, 1-32-2,
Before using the watch, READ this instruction
manual carefully for safe and correct use. After
reading this manual, keep it properly for your future
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Please observe at all
In order to prevent injury to yourself or other persons
and damage to property, this manual describes the
instructions that you should strictly follow as follows.
Injuries and damages which might be caused by
using the watch improperly, neglecting any of the
instructions or precautions in this manual are
classified with the following symbols.
Warning Can cause serious injury or death
Caution Can or will cause minor or moderate
injury or damage
1. Quartz oscillation frequency: 32,768Hz (Hz =
number of vibrations per second)
2. Converter: Step motor
3. Additional functions: Calendar quick setting
function (applies to watches equipped with day as
well as day and month calendar functions)
4. IC (integrated circuit): 1C/MOS-LSI
5. Accuracy: refer to model list: (within ±seconds
per month at normal temperature
6. Battery: One silver oxide
7. Battery life duration (life of battery from time of
installation) for your watch, refer to model list,
The model number of the watch you have purchased
is engraved on the back cover of the watch as shown
in the figure below.
The above specifications are subject to change
without prior notification.
1. Setting the Time and Date
(1) Stop the second hand in the “0 seconds” position
by pulling out the crown to
2 then turn crown to
set watch hands to the correct time. In case of a
screw lock-type crown, place in position
2 after
unlocking the screw.
(2) After setting watch to the correct time and
returning crown to the
0 position, the second
hand will be activated and the watch will
commence to keep accurate time.
Due to the mechanical structure of the watch, the
step position of the second hand is not aligned
with the scale on the face. This does not have an
effect on the accuracy, however.
a. To achieve optimal precision when setting the
minute hand, move the minute hand four to five
minutes past and then back to the desired setting.
b. For calendar-equipped watches, do not confuse
AM and PM settings.
c. For watches equipped with locking screw-type
crowns, do not forget to return the crown to the
locked position after setting watch.
2. Setting the calendar
(1) Pull out crown to position
(2) Set date by turning crown to the left.
(3) Set day by turning crown to the right.
*For watches equipped with date display only,
date is set by turning crown to the right.
(4) Return crown to
Avoid performing the calendar quick setting operation
between the below listed times:
For watches equipped with date display...9.00 PM-
1:00 AM
For watches equipped with both date and day
display...9:00 PM-4:30 AM
If the calendar quick setting operation is performed
between these times the calendar could be
incorrectly set to the date of the previous day.
After setting watch hands during these times, set
time, day and date accordingly.
Precautionary items (And Usage Limitations)
Warning Water resistant watch
• Check the chart to determine the water resistant
properties of your watch.
• Non-water resistant watch: can not be used in
locations where they are susceptible to contact with
water droplets.
• 3 bar water resistant watch: can not be used under
• 5 bar water resistant watch: can not be used while
• 10/20 bar water resistant watch: can not be used
while scuba diving or saturated diving.
CAL 1010 1020 1030 1110 3220 4520 461* 4633 464*
Accuracy 20 20 20 20 20 15 20 20 20
Life 353332222
CAL 4713 477* 5421 5431 5500 5510 5530 5920 5930
Accuracy 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Life 323255522
CAL 6010 6020 6031 604* 6115 6790 7630 9620 9630
Accuracy 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 20 20
Life 333333222

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