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Model No. AY5XXX
Cal. No. 374
This watch is an analog (hand) display divers
watch equipped with an electronic depth meter.
The familiar watch-face format is convenient to
confirm depths while diving. Further, a
chronograph function finds uses in a variety of
activities beside diving. (Please note that the
depth meter function should be used only as an
auxiliary instrument).
“Highly reliable water resistant for use at depths
of up to 200 metres”
The high-reliability water resistant conforms to ISO
standards for diving watches.
* ISO diving watch standards are those set forth by
the International Organisation For Standardisation.
<ISO/6425, 15 May 1984>
Two models of this watch are available:
one with depth readings indicated in metres (m),
the other with readings indicated in feet (ft).
Diving with this watch
Diving can be a safe, enjoyable activity when
diving rules are properly followed. It is always,
however, accompanied by certain risks
including divers paralysis and unanticipated
accidents. Before diving please obtain proper
diving instruction and be sure to conduct
safety checks. Please use this watch only after
you have read and fully understand the
operating procedures and cautions in these
instructions. Using this watch other than as
indicated in these instructions may result in
failure of the watch to function properly.
Please refer to the diagram on the left when
reading this instruction manual.
*Never manipulate the crown or press the buttons
during a dive.
This illustration shows a watch using meters to
indicate depth readings.
All repairs of this product, including battery
replacement, should be conducted at a
Citizen Service Centre. For repairs and
inspections please contact the place of purchase
or contact a Citizen Service Centre directly.
[Safe Diving]
1. Use this product only after having received
proper instruction in safe diving procedures.
2. Always use the “buddy system”. This watch is
not a substitute for a diving partner.
3. This product is recommended for sports diving
to depths of up to about 30 metres (100ft),
although the depth indicator will measure depths
up to 50 metres (125ft).
4. Early battery replacement is recommended. A new
battery will last approximately 2 years. (However,
this will vary greatly depending on the frequency
of depth meter used. Replace the battery early.)
*Battery replacement should be conducted
only at the Citizen Service Centres.
5. Be sure to rest sufficiently after diving, as
specified by diving rules. Riding in an airplane
or moving to a high altitude too soon after diving
may cause decompression sickness.
6. Use the depth meter function of this watch only
as an auxiliary or back up instrument.
7. Avoid rapid ascents when diving, as these
adversely affect the human body, including
causing diver’s paralysis. Maintain a safe ascent
speed while diving. An ascent of 10 metres (33ft)
or less per minute is recommended for sports
diving to avoid various possible problems.
[Do not use the depth meter when...]
1. In locations of altitudes exceeding 4,000 metres
(13,124 ft).
2. In temperatures outside of the warranted
temperature range. The warranted temperature
range for the depth meter in this watch is from
10ЊC to 40ЊC/50ЊF to 104ЊF.
3. In potentially dangerous activities or conditions.
This watch is not designed for use in maritime
emergencies or to prevent sea disasters and the
4. A substitute for a pressure gauge is needed.
This watch is not designed to gauge pressures
other than those associated with water depth.
5. Diving using a helium enriched environment.
This watch cannot be used in a helium enriched
environment, as this may cause malfunction or

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Andere handleiding(en) van Citizen Cal 3740

Citizen Cal 3740 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Citizen Cal 3740 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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