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Cisco Integrated Services Router Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Cisco 860, 880, 890 Series
Cisco 890 Series Integrated Service Routers
This section contains the following topics:
Cisco 891, Cisco 892, and Cisco 892F, page 1-114
Cisco C897VAB-K9, page 1-124
Cisco 891, Cisco 892, and Cisco 892F
The Cisco 891, Cisco 892, and Cisco 892F ISRs have the following features:
Integrated 8-port 10/100 Ethernet switch for connecting to the LAN
10/100 FE and 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) port for connecting to the WAN
Separate console and auxiliary ports
(Optional) embedded Wi-Fi certified dual-radio 802.11a/b/g/n-compliant wireless AP
Optional 4-port PoE
Note The Cisco 890 Series ISRs can include an optional PoE module that provides power to
802.3af-compliant devices connected to Ethernet ports 0 through 3. If this feature was not
configured with the factory order, you must order and install it to enable the PoE function.
Note On a Cisco 891 series router, due to TCAM limitation, you can apply an ACL configuration on
maximum 9 ports. If you apply the ACL configuration beyond 9 ports, the configuration will not
be applied, and the router will display an error message.
Note Layer 2 FastEthernet ports of Cisco 800 series routers do not support Downloadable
ACL(dACL). Layer 2 GigabitEthernet ports support downloadable ACL(dACL).
Security feature card (SFC) socket
DIMM expansion socket that can accept up to 512 MB of additional memory, for a total of 768 MB
system memory in Cisco 891 and Cisco 892 ISRs, and a total of 1 GB system memory in
Cisco 892F series ISRs
Three reverse-polarity Threaded Neill-Concelman (RP-TNC) connectors on the back panel for
non-captive dual-band WLAN antenna (wireless models only)
Support for the AIM2-CUE-K9 and AIM2-APPRE-104-K9
GE small-form-factor pluggable (SFP) port (Cisco 892F series ISRs only)
The following feature is located on the front panel of
Two USB 2.0 ports

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