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Cisco Integrated Services Router Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Cisco 860, 880, 890 Series
Figure 1-64 shows the location of the SFP port on a Cisco 892FW router.
Figure 1-64 SFP Port Location on a Cisco 892FW Router
Cisco 892FSP, Cisco 896VA, Cisco 897VA, and Cisco 898EA
The Cisco 892FSP, Cisco 896VA, Cisco897VA (includes Cisco 897VA, Cisco 897VAM, Cisco 897VAW,
Cisco 897VAMW), and Cisco 898EA routers have the following features:
Integrated 8-port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet switch for connecting to the LAN
Two 10/100/1000 GE ports for Cisco 892FSP
One 10/100/1000 GE port for Cisco 896VA, 897VA, and the Cisco 898EA. Either the SFP socket or
the 10/100/1000 GE port can be active at a given time, but not both.
Single console and auxiliary ports for configuration and management
512 MB of on-board memory (upgrade option to 1 GB)
256 MB flash memory for Cisco 896VA, Cisco 897VA, and Cisco 898EA
One USB 2.0 port
Optional internal adapter for inline PoE on four switch ports for IP phones or external wireless
access points for Cisco 896VA, Cisco 897VA, and Cisco 898EA models only. No PoE support on
Cisco 892FSP.
4 Auxiliary port 10 Earth ground connection
5 Console port 11 Kensington security slot
6 8-port 10/100 Ethernet switch
1. The Cisco 890 Series ISRs can include an optional PoE module that provides power to 802.3af-compliant devices connected
to Ethernet ports 0 through 3. If this feature was not configured with the factory order you must order and install it to enable
the PoE function.
2. The Data BRI port is available only on the Cisco 892 Router models.
3. The V.92 port (not shown) is available only on the Cisco 891 Router models and is located between the console port and the
Ethernet switch.
1 SFP port 2 SFP LEDs
Cisco 892F-W

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