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Never use the stroller on staircases
or escalators: you could suddenly
loose control of it.
Always pay attention when going
up and down steps or pavements.
If the stroller is left exposed to di-
rect sunlight for an extended pe-
riod of time, allow it to cool down
before placing your child inside.
Prolonged exposure to direct sun-
light may cause the colour of the
materials and fabric to fade.
Prevent the stroller from coming
into contact with salt water. It may
cause rusting.
Do not use the stroller on the
When not in use, the stroller should
be kept out of reach of children.
This product requires periodical maintenance.
Cleaning and maintenance operations must be performed ex-
clusively by an adult.
The lining can be removed (please see the section FITTING
Clean the fabric parts using a wet terry towel and neutral soap.
Periodically wipe the plastic parts clean with a soft damp cloth.
To prevent the formation of rust, always dry metal parts if they
have come into contact with water.
The washing symbols and relative meanings are indicated
Hand wash
Do not bleach
Do not tumble dry
Do not iron
Do not dry clean
If necessary, lubricate the moving parts with dry silicone lu-
Regularly check the condition of the wheels and clean o all
dust and sand. To avoid friction that may compromise the cor-
rect functioning of the stroller, make sure all plastic parts that
run along the metal tubes are clean of dust, dirt and sand.
Keep the stroller in a dry place.
WARNING: When opening the stroller, make sure that your
child or other children are at a safety distance.
WARNING: Make sure that during these operations the moving
parts of the stroller do not come into contact with your child.
1. Rotate the handle until reaching the vertical position (Fig.
1), push the cursor A to the left and at the same time press
the button B (Fig. 1A), pull the handle upwards to allow the
stroller to open, until you hear the locking click (Fig. 1B).
If at the end of the operation the handle should not be locked
in a vertical position, repeat step 1.
WARNING: Before use, ensure that the stroller is locked in
the open position, checking that the mechanism is eectively
2. Fit the front wheels on the stroller until they are locked in
position (g. 2).
Repeat this procedure for the other wheel lock.
WARNING: Before use, ensure that the wheels are correctly
locked into position.
3. After tting the rear wheels block on the relevant axle, t the
rear axle in the relevant slots in the frame until you hear it
click into place (Fig. 3).
WARNING: Always check the rear axle is tted properly before
using the stroller.
4. To fasten the bumper bar, simply insert it from the top into
the three pins on the armrest until you hear it click into place
(Fig. 4).
5. To remove the bumper bar, press the external release but-
tons and pull up (g. 5).
6. You can also open the bumper bar on one side only so it is
easier to place your child in the seat (g.6).
WARNING: Never use the bumper bar to lift the stroller up
with your child sitting in it.
This stroller has a ve-point safety harness featuring two shoul-
der straps, two adjustment holes, a waist strap and a crotch
strap with buckle.
7. WARNING: For use with children from birth to 6 months,
you must use the shoulder straps, passing them rst through
the two adjuster slots (g. 7).
8. After laying the child in the stroller, fasten the straps (Fig. 8)
by passing rst the two forks (A) inside the shoulder strap
buckle (B) and then inside the crotch strap buckle (C); adjust
the height of the shoulder straps so that they correctly t
your child's shoulders (Fig. 8A).
Always make sure that the straps are fastened correctly.
To unfasten the strap, press and pull the side prongs.
WARNING: To guarantee the safety of your child, the safety
harness must be fastened at all times.
WARNING: In the case of removal of the fabric part (e.g., for
washing), make sure to reassemble the waist strap correctly
making it run through the relevant holes in the fabric.
The harness must be re adjusted.
To make sure that the belts are fastened properly to the an-
choring points, after placing your child inside the stroller, pull
the end parts of the belts rmly.

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