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Caution!: this unit requires
public frequencies in order to
operate (as envisaged by appli-
cable legislation). For this rea-
son, it is possible that the par-
ent unit (receiver) reproduces
signals or voices from other
similar units located nearby.
Likewise, the sounds from your
child unit (transmitter) could
be detected and reproduced by
other similar devices located
If this situation occurs, you
should try selecting the second
transmission channel available.
• Only use the AC/DC mains
adapters supplied with the
product or an identical type
with the same electrical char-
acteristics. Use of other adapt-
ers could damage the child unit
and/or parent unit and cause
danger to the user.
Adapter power cords cannot
be replaced and, therefore, in
case of damage, do not con-
tinue to use the mains adapter
but replace it with an identical
type adapter.
Caution!: do not use a mains
adapter different from the
one supplied with this Artsana
S.p.A. product, as doing so
renders the product non-com-
pliant with technical standard
specifications established by
the relevant EC directives, af-
fecting product safety and in-
tegrity. Contact the retailer or
Artsana S.p.A. to replace.
Ensure that AC/DC mains
adapter voltage (see data plate
located on the AC/DC mains
adapters) matches that of the
mains electricity and that the
mains adapter plug is compat-
ible with your electrical system
Connect the AC/DC mains
adapters to easily accessible
power sockets which are, how-
ever, out of reach of children.
Position AC/DC mains adapter
cords so as to prevent the cord
from being walked on, from
getting caught in items placed
upon or against them, or from
being accessible to the child
and therefore constituting a
risk (tripping, choking).
The AC/DC mains adapters,
the child unit (primarily in
transmitter mode) and the par-
ent unit (primarily in receiver
mode) may be become hot to
the touch when in use. This is
• Always disconnect the AC/DC
mains adapters from the power
socket when the appliance is
not in use.

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