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During the cooling operation, curtains or window-
blinds should be used to shade off the sunlight
Do not place insecticides or paints
and other flammable sprays near the
air conditioner, or spray them directly
at the air conditioner.
It might cause fire hazards.
Do not insert sticks or bars into the air
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As the fan is in high-speed operation, the insertion
might lead to accidents.
It might cause electric shocks.
Do not sit on the outdoor unit or place
any other objects on it.
The falling down of
the unit or tile objects
might cause human
injuries and other
Try to minimize the generation of heat
during the operation of cooling.
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Placetheheatingsourcesout atthe room.
When it is necessary to use the air
conditioner and the combusting
apparatuses in the same room, air
ventilation has to be made from time to
Insufficientve . . ~
lackofoxygenn~'atlonmightlead~r someotherdangers.
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Properly adjust the up/down and left/right directions
of the air flow so as to aet the even room temperature.
[The name of each part and its function]
Do not use combusting apparatuses
in the air-conditioned room.
Indoor Unit
Room temperature detecting probe
Temperature Indicator
10 Temperature indicators indicate 70°F, 71oF(72oF),
730F(74oF), 750F(76oF), nOF(78oF), 790F(80oF),
81°F, 82oF(830F), 84oF(850F), 86°F, When setting
termperature is 72oF.the indicate will be lighted as 71°F,
setting termperature is 740F,the indicate will be lighted
as 73°F ,etc.
It might lead to the incomplete combustion of these
Prior to the maintenance of the air
conditioner, please cut off the power
supply first. Never do the cleaning of
the units when the fan is in high-
speed operations.
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I Receiver of remote control signal I
Operational performance/indications
Lelf/right air flow
direction adjusting fin
Drain tube
Up/down air flow
direction adjusting flap
Do not keep exposed to the cool air
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body, which isharmfulto your
Check the supporting structures of
the units carefully.
Air outlet
Air blows out from here
wireless remote controller
Outdoor Unit
Refrigerant piping connection
Air discharge vent
Incaseof damages,tile supportingstructuresshauld
be immediatelyrepairedsoasto avoidfallingdown
It mightleadto thefallingdownof theair conditioner
of the unit,whichmightcause humaninjuriesor
unit,whichwill resultin accidentsor injuries. otheraccidents.
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The useofhotwaterwilldeformtheair conditioner
or makeit fadeincolor.
Thesesubstanceswill deformthe airconditioner
or causescratches.
Instructions for Removal and Repair
Unit operation section
I HowtocloseI
Push down the air inlet grid and the push both sides of air inlet
grid at the bottom.
Put down the power when the unit is
not in use for long time so as to ensure
I How to open I
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Whenthe plugis to bepulledout, makesurethat
the switchofthe airconditioneris turnedoff.
Lightly push both sides of the air inlet grid at the
botton and pull il to this side till a resistance is felt.
This button can be used as an emergency measure to turn on/off
unit when remote controller is not available.
.When removal or repair is needed, please contact the dealer or authorized maintenance & installation people.
. In case of any abnormal occurrences (smell of burning), please stop the operation at once, cut off the power supply
and contact the dealer or authorized maintenance people.
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