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688217 nl en ma 2016
Caution! Make sure the splash shield is installed
correctly before use of the microwave oven!
Filter Filter screws
The front filter serves as the air inlet; the filter should be cleaned on time to keep the chamber clean.
1. Turn counterclockwise to unscrew and take down the filter; and wash it with warm soap water;
2. Install the filter screen Tighten clockwise the screws to fix the filter;
3. Make sure the filter is installed before use of the microwave oven;
4. The factory setting has the function to remind the user of washing the filter every 30 days.
1. Detaching: Hold the two buckle positions in front of the splash shield with your hands (as shown by
the arrows). Exert your strength following the direction of the arrows and pull downwards after you
have pulled out the buckles:
2. Wash the splash shield:
3. Installation: Pick up the splash shield and obliquely put it into the chamber in the way that insert the
first pin at the rear into the positioning hole on the rear plate of chamber, then push the other side to
insert all positioning pins into their positioning holes.
1. The switching operation of this microwave oven can cause voltage fluctuations on the supply line.
The operation of this oven under unfavorable voltage supply conditions can have adverse effects.
This device is intended for the connection to a power supply system with a maximum permissible system
impedance Zmax of 0.3 Ohms at the interface point of the user’s supply. The user has to ensure that
this device is connected only to a power supply system which fulfills the requirement above.
If necessary, the user can ask the public power supply company for the system impedance at the inter-
face point.
2. If there is no equipotential bonding conductor in the electric supply, an external equipotential bonding
conductor must be installed at the rear of the appliance (see symbol). This terminal shall be in effective
electrical contact with all fixed exposed metal parts and shall allow the connection of a conductor
having a nominal cross-sectional area up to 10 mm².
Symbol for the external connection of equipotential bonding conductors.

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