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P rofessional S upplies
Before starting up, please read this manual carefully in order to ensure the correct usage.
5. Before use, this product must be grounded safely
6. Clean with a damp cloth.
CaterChef sandwich toaster absorb the merits of international similar products to design
and produce, they have characteristics of up-to-date style, reasonable structure, convenient
operation, fast heating, uniform temperature, energy-saving etc, it’s suitable for hotel, market,
super-market, crowded spots.
I. Basic parameters:
Product size (mm) Pressure (V) Power (kW) Control switch
435x410x325 230 1,5 1 set
435x410x325 230 1,5 1 set
II. Transport and storage:
During transport, the product should be placed carefully, prevent the drastic vibration, and for
the packed products, you should place them outdoors for long time, and in the well-ventilated
warehouse without corrosive gas. Don’t place them upside down, when you need to store them
temporarily, you should take measures to prevent rain.
III. Safety precautions and usage environment:
1. This product should be placed in a balanced spot, and its left and right sides are away
from incombustibles for more than 10cm, and its back is away from the incombustibles
(like brick wall etc) for more than 20cm.
2. The power pressure of this equipment should conform to the supply voltage of this brand
power product.
3. The user should install the suitable power switch, fuse and leakage protector near to
the equipment, in front of the switch don’t pile up the sundries, in order to facilitate the
4. Before use, this equipment must be grounded safely. Before starting up, you should check it.
5. Ensure whether all the connections of all the electric elements of the product are firm or not,
and whether the safety grounding is reliable or not.
6. When you change the power cable, you should select the same model cable and let the
professional to change.
7. When you have connection, installation and maintenance for this product, you should let
the certified electrician to operate.

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