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caso L 15 3
1.3 Limitation of liability
All the technical information, data and notices with regard to the installation, operation
and care are completely up-to-date at the time of printing and are compiled to the best of
our knowledge and belief, taking our past experience and findings into consideration.
No claims can be derived from the information provided, the illustrations or descriptions
in this manual. The manufacturer does not assume any liability for damages arising as a
result of the following:
Non-observance of the manual Uses for non-intended purposes
Improper repairs Technical alterations, modifications of the device
Use of unauthorized spare parts
Modifications of the device are not recommended and are not covered by the guarantee.
All translations are carried out to the best of our knowledge. We do not assume any
liability for translation errors, not even if the translation was carried out by us or on our
instructions. The original German text remains solely binding.
1.4 Copyright protection
This document is copyright protected.
Braukmann GmbH reserves all the rights, including those for photomechanical
reproduction, duplication and distribution using special processes (e.g. data processing,
data carriers, data networks), even partially. Subject to content and technical changes.
2 Safety
This chapter provides you with important safety notices when handling the device.
The device corresponds with the required safety regulations. Improper use can result in
personal or property damages.
2.1 Intended use
This device is only intended for non-commercial use indoors, in sheltered and enclosed
spaces for weighing food. Uses for a different purpose or for a purpose which exceeds
this description are considered incompatible with the intended or designated use.
Danger due to unintended use!
Failure to operate this unit only as intended can be dangerous
Use the device exclusively for its intended use.
Follow all of the instructions in the instruction manual
Claims of all kinds due to damages resulting from unintended uses are excluded.
The User bears the sole risk.

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