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The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
The contents of this manual have been checked at each step of the production
process. Feel free to contact us if you notice anything that is questionable,
erroneous, etc.
Any copying of the contents of this User’s Guide, either in part or its entirety, is
forbidden. Except for your own personal use, any other use of the contents of this
manual without the permission of CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. is forbidden
under copyright laws.
CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. shall not be held liable for any damages or lost
profits suffered by you or any third party due to the use or malfunction of this
CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. shall not be held liable for any damages, lost
profits, or claims by third parties arising out of the use of YouTube Uploader for
CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. shall not be held liable for any damages or lost
profits caused by loss of memory contents due to malfunction, repair, or any other
Note that the example screens and product illustrations shown in this User’s Guide
may differ somewhat from the screens and configuration of the actual camera.
LCD Panel
The liquid crystal panel used for the monitor screen and viewfinder employs high-
precision technology that provides a pixel yield of 99.99%. This means that some
very small number of pixels may not light or may remain lit at all times. This is due to
the characteristics of the liquid crystal panel, and does not indicate malfunction.
Read this first!
Take test shots
Before shooting your final image, shoot a test shot to ensure that the camera is
recording correctly.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Casio exilim ex-fh20

Casio exilim ex-fh20 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 176 pagina's

Casio exilim ex-fh20 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 176 pagina's

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