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USER’S GUIDE PQ-30/31 DQ-543/583
1. Slide the selector to TM SET (TIME SET).
2. Press HR to increase the hour digits and MIN to increase the minutes digits. Holding down either button changes its setting at high speed.
Though the seconds are not displayed, they reset to 00 when you press MIN.
3. After you set the time, change the selector to NORM (NORMAL).
The alarm of this clock features a Snooze Function, which lets you catch a few more minutes sleep in the morning.
To set the alarm time
1. Slide the selector to AL SET (ALM SET).
2. Press HR to increase the hour digits and MIN to increase the minutes digits. Holding down either button changes its setting at high speed.
3. After you set the alarm time, change the selector to NORM (NORMAL).
To turn the alarm on and off
Slide the selector to SNZ (SNOOZE) or AL ON (ALM ON) position to switch the alarm on, or to AL OFF (ALM OFF) position to switch it off.
To use the alarm
1. Set the alarm time and switch the alarm on.
2. When the alarm time you set is reached, the alarm starts to sound. When alarm is sounding, press the SNOOZE/LIGHT button to stop it. When the snooze feature is
turned on, the alarm will sound again in about 8 minutes.
You can stop the repeating alarm at any time by sliding the selector to AL OFF (ALM OFF) position.
To view the current alarm time setting
1. Slide the selector to NORM (NORMAL).
2. Press HR or MIN to display the currently alarm time setting.
To test the alarm
1. Slide the selector to SNZ (SNOOZE) or AL ON (ALM ON).
2. Press HR and MIN at the same time to sound the alarm.
Hold down the SNOOZE/LIGHT button to illuminate the display.
Replace batteries whenever the display of the clock becomes dim and difficult to read.
1. Pressing down lightly on the battery compartment cover, slide it in the direction indicated by the arrow and remove it.
2. Remove both old batteries.
3. Load new batteries. Make sure that their positive (+) and negative (–) ends face in the correct directions. If you load batteries incorrectly they can burst and damage
the clock.
4. Replace the battery compartment cover.
Battery precautions
Be sure to load the batteries with their positive (+) and negative (–) ends facing correctly.
Replace the batteries at least once a year, even if the current batteries are working properly.
Never charge the batteries that come with the clock.
Should the batteries ever leak while in the clock, wipe out the fluid with a cloth, taking care not to let any get onto your skin.
The batteries that come with the clock lose some of their power during transport and storage.
Never mix old and new batteries, or batteries of different brands.

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