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Operation Guide 3229/3421
About This Manual
Depending on the model of your watch, display text
appears either as dark figures on a light background
or light figures on a dark background. All sample
displays in this manual are shown using dark figures
on a light background.
Button operations are indicated using the letters
shown in the illustration.
Procedure Lookup
The following is a handy reference list of all the operational procedures contained in
this manual.
To set the time and date ......................................................................................... E-6
To switch the backlight function on and off ......................................................... E-9
To set the alarm time ............................................................................................ E-11
To stop the alarm .................................................................................................. E-13
To switch an alarm and Hourly Time Signal on and off .................................... E-13
To set the countdown time .................................................................................. E-14
To use the countdown timer ................................................................................ E-15
To switch auto repeat timing on and off ............................................................. E-16
To measure elapsed time ..................................................................................... E-17
To record split times ............................................................................................. E-18
To time first and second place finishes .............................................................. E-18
General Guide
Press C to change from mode to mode.
Timekeeping Mode Alarm Mode
Press C.
After you perform an operation in any mode, pressing C returns to the Timekeeping
Press D in any mode to illuminate the display. Illumination turns off about two
seconds after you release D.
Countdown Timer Mode Stopwatch Mode
To set the time and date
1. Press A while in the Timekeeping Mode. The
seconds digits flash on the display because they
2. Press C to change the selection in the following
Day of week
PM indicator
3. While the seconds digits are selected (flashing), press B to reset the seconds to
“00”. If you press B while the seconds count is in the range of 30 to 59, the seconds
are reset to “00” and 1 is added to the minutes. If the seconds count is in the range
of 00 to 29, the minutes count is unchanged.
4. While any other digits (besides seconds) are selected (flashing), press B to increase
the number. Holding down B changes the number at high speed.
To switch between the 12-hour and 24-hour formats, press
D while some
digits are flashing.
5. After you set the time and date, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.
The day of the week is automatically set in accordance with the date.
The date can be set within the range of January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2099.
If you do not operate any button for a few minutes while a selection is flashing, the
flashing stops and the watch goes back to the Timekeeping Mode automatically.
About the backlight
When you switch the backlight function on, the backlight of the watch flashes
whenever alarm (page E-10), countdown timer or hourly time signal is sounding.
Pressing D at any time illuminates the display, regardless of the backlight’s on/off
The backlight of this watch employs an electro-luminescent (EL) light, which loses
its illuminating power after very long term use.
Frequent use of the backlight shortens the battery life.
The watch will emit an audible sound whenever the display is illuminated. This is
caused by a transistor that vibrates when the EL panel lights up. It does not indicate
malfunction of the watch.
The illumination provided by the backlight may be hard to see when viewed under
direct sunlight.
The backlight automatically stops illuminating whenever an alarm sounds.
To switch the backlight function on and off
In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down B for about two seconds to switch the backlight
function on and off. When you switch the backlight function on, an indicator appears
on the display as shown.
Backlight function
on indicator
The backlight function on indicator remains on the display in all modes until you
switch the backlight function off.
The above operation controls operation of the backlight function only. It does not
affect operation of audible tones and signals.
General Guide ......................................................................................................... E-4
Timekeeping ............................................................................................................ E-6
Alarm ...................................................................................................................... E-10
Countdown Timer ................................................................................................. E-14
Stopwatch .............................................................................................................. E-17
Specifications ....................................................................................................... E-19

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