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The use of the switch
1. Place the plug in the power socket.
2. When you set the switch in heat position 1, 2 of 3, the selected
position will light up in the window (the 0-position is not lit).
3. Slide the switch to position 3.
4. The maximum temperature will be reached after about 15
minutes. Now you can switch back to a lower temperature
(position 2 or 1).
The foot sack can emit a typical smell when it is used for the first
time and when it is heated. This is harmless.
Realise that when you check the temperature and it feels comfor-
table for your hands, it still may be too hot for your feet, certainly
for a longer time!
Automatic switch-off (Auto-off)
The foot warmer switches itself off automatically after about one
and a half hours. This is done for reasons of safety.
When this happens, the foot warmer can be switched on again
at once by moving the slide for 5 seconds to the 0-position and
selecting the required temperature position.
Protection system against overheating
The foot sack has a thermal protection system, as a result of which
the heat emission is regulated and overheating is prevented.
Always set the switch on the 0-postion when you do not use the
There is a Braille text on the front left side of the switch to
help you find the heating position in the dark and for visually
The maximum heating position is indicated by 3 raised points,
the medium position by 2 raised points and the minimum
position by 1 raised point.
14 • English24 • English
Regularly check the foot sack, the switch and the cord for signs
of wear or damage. In the event of damage or improper use
return the product immediately and follow the maintenance
If the foot sack does not function, first check the following steps
before you return it:
1. Check that the plug is in the power socket and that the power
socket has power.
2. Check whether the plug is connected correctly to the cord.
Do not try to repair the foot sack yourself or to have it repaired
locally. The enclosed switch must only be replaced by the
manufacturer, because the specialised parts are not generally
When you store the foot sack, fold it up carefully and preferably
place it back in the original packing.
• First let the foot sack cool down before you store it.
Do not crease or fold the foot sack by placing objects on top
when storing it.
Store the foot sack at a dry, dark place and protect it against
direct heat sources.
Washing instructions Fleece lining
Follow the instructions of the washing label on the foot sack as
well as the following instructions:
In the foot sack there is a loose, easily removable white Fleece
lining for extra comfort.
This loose Fleece lining must only be cleaned by hand and in
cold to lukewarm water, by carefully kneading it.
After washing it by hand, rinse all the superfluous water from
the Fleece lining, stretch it a bit, if necessary, when it has
shrunk, and hang it up to dry.
The Fleece lining is not suitable for the drier and must not be
Never throw your device away together with normal domestic
waste. Follow the waste instructions of your place of residence or
return your device to the retail trader.
25 • English

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