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Getting Help from Canon
Help Us Help You Better
Before you contact Canon, please record the following information.
Serial Number (located on the inside of the product):
Model Number (located on the front of the product):
Setup CD-ROM number (located on the CD-ROM):
Purchase Date:
Customer Technical Support Sequence*
1.Internet - www.canontechsupport.com
For quick and comprehensive self-help in an intuitively guided interactive trouble-
shooting environment, the place to start is our helpful tech support web site. In
addition, the latest driver downloads, answers to frequently asked questions,
product information, and “where to buy” instructions are found here.
2.Email Tech Support - www.canontechsupport.com
For individual attention to a special issue, try emailing our friendly technical sup-
port representatives, specially trained to communicate quick, easy, and logical
solutions to your inquiries within 24 hours.
3.Toll-Free Live Tech Support - (1-800-828-4040)
This option provides live telephone technical support, free of service charges,
Monday-Saturday (excluding holidays), during your product’s 1 year limited war-
ranty period. Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD) support is available at (1-866-
4.Extended Service and Support - www.canonesp.com
Canon CarePAK Extended Service Plan is a cost-attractive and easy-to-use
extended service program that provides up to three full years of service and sup-
port coverage at a very attractive price. CarePAK offers toll-free Canon technical
support and includes Canon’s superb InstantExchange product replacement pro-
gram. For further information about extending your Canon service and support,
call (1-800-385-2155), or visit our Web site at www.canonesp.com. CarePAK must
be purchased during your product’s warranty period.
For more information and updated program specifics, please visit our web site at
*Support program specifics are subject to change without notice.
Ordering Information
For additional supplies, use the following descriptions and order numbers.
Description Order #
FINE Cartridges
PG-40 Black 0615B002
CL-41 Color 0617B002
PG-50 Black High Yield 0616B002
CL-51 Color High Yield 0618B002
Canon Specialty Papers
Photo Paper Plus Glossy (4" x 6"/20 sheets) 7980A007
Photo Paper Plus Glossy (4" x 6"/50 sheets) 7980A012
Photo Paper Plus Glossy (4" x 6"/120 sheets) 7980A022
Photo Paper Plus Glossy (5" x 7"/20 sheets) 7980A019
Photo Paper Plus Glossy (8.5" x 11"/20 sheets) 7980A006
Photo Paper Plus Double Sided (5" x 7"/10 sheets) 9981A006
Photo Paper Plus Double Sided (8.5" x 11"/10 sheets) 9981A005
Photo Paper Plus Double Sided Album Kit (5" x 7") 0041B005
Photo Paper Plus Double Sided Album Kit (8.5" x 11") 0041B006
Photo Paper Plus Semi-Gloss (4" x 6"/50 sheets) 8386A010
Photo Paper Plus Semi-Gloss (8.5" x 11"/20 sheets) 8386A007
Photo Paper Pro for Borderless Printing (4" x 6"/20 sheets) 1029A014
Photo Paper Pro for Borderless Printing (4" x 6"/75 sheets) 1029A027
Photo Paper Pro All Occasion Photo Cards (4" x 8"/50 sheets) 1029A055
Photo Paper Pro (8.5" x 11"/15 sheets) 1029A004
Photo Paper Pro (8.5" x 11"/30 sheets) 1029A028
Matte Photo Paper (8.5" x 11"/50 sheets) 7981A004
Photo Paper Glossy (4" x 6"/50 sheets) 0755B021
Photo Paper Glossy (4" x 6"/100 sheets) 0775B022
Photo Paper Glossy (8.5" x 11"/50 sheets) 0775B023
Photo Paper Glossy (8.5" x 11"/100 sheets) 0775B024
Glossy Photo Paper Credit Card Size 9157A023
Photo Stickers 0001C001
Transparencies (8.5" x 11"/50 sheets) 1043A004
High Resolution Paper (8.5" x 11"/100 sheets) 1033A011
Call 1-800-OK-CANON to locate a dealer near you, or visit the Canon eStore at
© 2006 Canon U.S.A., Inc. Canon is a registered trademark of Canon Inc. in the United
States and may be a registered trademark or trademarks in other countries. All other
product and brand names are trademarks of their respective owners. As an ENERGY STAR ®
partner, Canon U.S.A., Inc. has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR ®
guidelines for energy efficiency.

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