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1.Downloadsetuple. 2. Select connection method.
Select a printer connection method and click Next.
Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed the
When the screen below appears, the printer is
ready to use.
Click Next to continue installing the software.
3. Install software.
When the screen below appears, select the
software you want to install and click Next.
Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed the
Now your computer is connected to
a Access the following URL in your web browser.
Windows PC users: you can also
open the le from the setup CD-
The screen in h will appear when
you open the le from the CD-
ROM. Perform the remaining steps
in the same way as on the website.
Wireless LAN Connection
Connect the printer to a network without any
USB Connection
Connect the printer to your computer with a
USB cable. This is the easiest way. You only
can connect one printer.
b Click Set Up.
c Select the region where you purchased the product.
d Select your product.
e Click Connecting to Computer, Smartphone or Tablet.
f Select your operating system.
g Click Download to download the setup le.
* If a download security warning appears, allow your web
browser to continue downloading.
h Open the downloaded le and click Start Setup.
i Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed the setup.
You can connect the printer to a PC/smartphone/tablet and install software.
Have you nished all the steps in the Getting Started 1?
Please read this manual after completing the printer setup in the
Getting Started 1.
Using wireless router
Not using/having wireless router
Proceed to connect printer to
• Using wireless router
• Not using/having wireless router
(Connecting printer to device via wireless LAN
connection directly)
* If you connect your device to the printer via wireless LAN connection directly, you may
be unable to access the Internet with your device or may be charged for an Internet
Turn on Wi-Fi on your smartphone or tablet before you start.
1. Install Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY to your
Proceed to right side.
Smartphone or
* This procedure is described based on Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY 2.1.0. In other versions, follow
the application instructions to complete the setup.
: Search "Canon PRINT" in App Store.
: Search "Canon PRINT" in Google Play.
Or access the website by scanning the code on the right.
Getting Started 2
a Tap Settings
on the home
a Tap Settings
on the home
Tap PRINT which
was installed.
Tap PRINT which
was installed.
b Tap Canon_ij_XXXX on the Wi-Fi setting.
b Tap Canon_ij_XXXX on the Wi-Fi setting.
If Canon_ij_XXXX does not appear on the list, see NOTE
to setup the printer and wait until Canon_ij_XXXX appears.
XXXX varies depending on your printer.
The extended
survey screen
appears on the
rst startup.
The extended
survey screen
appears on the
rst startup.
If Canon_ij_XXXX does not appear on the list, see NOTE
to setup the printer and wait until Canon_ij_XXXX appears.
XXXX varies depending on your printer.
The license
agreement screen
appears on the
rst startup.
If the screen in b does
not appear, see NOTE
to setup the printer and
wait until the screen
If none of these screens appears, see "If Select Router
screen appears".
If the printer is not
detected and the Alarm
lamp is lit on the printer,
press the Color or Black
button and start over from
If the printer is not detected
and the Alarm lamp is lit on the
printer, press the Color or Black
button and start over from a.
d Tap the printer icon
on the top left of the
d Tap the printer icon
on the top left of the
h Tap OK. i Select the SSID of your
wireless router connected
to your device.
j When a password entry
screen appears, enter
the password for your
wireless router and tap
k Wait for a while until the
printer is detected.
l When the printer is
detected, tap your
printer's model name.
m Enter the printer name
as needed and tap
n When the printer
information appears
on the screen, the
setup is complete.
e Tap Register Printer.
e Tap Register Printer.
f Tap Printer Setup.
f Tap Printer Setup.
g Tap Connect via
wireless router
g Tap Direct
j Tap Settings on
the home screen.
m Tap PRINT.h Tap OK. i Check the SSID and password
and tap Copy Password.
o Wait for a while until the
printer is detected.
n Tap Done.k Tap the same SSID as
checked in i.
l Paste the password
and tap Join.
p When the printer is detected, tap
your printer's model name.
q Enter the printer name as
needed and tap OK.
r When the printer information
appears on the screen, the
setup is complete.
If Canon_ij_XXXX does not appear:
If a message saying "Printer is not registered. Perform printer setup?" does not appear at Canon PRINT
Inkjet/SELPHY startup:
Do the following on the printer.
which was
b Tap Yes.
Make sure the SSID
of the desired wireless
router appears and tap
Enter the password of
the wireless router and
tap OK.
Tap Yes. Tap OK.
Do the following if this screen appears.
When the SSID of the desired wireless router
appears, tap it.
Make sure your device is connected to the
same SSID.
If the SSID of the desired wireless router does
not appear or you are not sure, tap If no target
wireless router.
If Select Router screen appears:
c Follow the on-screen instruction. d Wait for a while
until the printer is
e When the printer is
detected, tap your
printer's model name.
f Enter the printer
name as needed and
tap OK.
g When the printer
information appears
on the screen, the
setup is complete.
PC (Windows/Mac OS)
Smartphone/Tablet (iOS/Android)
a Press and hold down the Wi-Fi
button (A) on the printer until the
ON lamp (B) starts ashing.
c Make sure the Wi-Fi lamp (D) is
ashing fast and the ON lamp (B) is
b Press the Color button (C) and then
the Wi-Fi button (A).
Do the following to use Google Cloud Print.
a Press the Stop button on the printer.
b Connect the printer to your network.
c Register the printer to Google Cloud Print.
Using Google Cloud Print

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Andere handleiding(en) van Canon Pixma G3501 Mac

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 669 pagina's

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 675 pagina's

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Snelstart handleiding - English - 2 pagina's

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 645 pagina's

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Snelstart handleiding - Français - 2 pagina's

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Snelstart handleiding - Italiano - 2 pagina's

Canon Pixma G3501 Mac Snelstart handleiding - Italiano - 2 pagina's

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