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Precautions for Use (Please be sure to read before use)
Caution (regarding the binoculars)
Details pertaining to risks that may result in injury or damage to other objects.
Do not place the binoculars on an unstable surface. Doing so may cause the
binoculars to fall and could result in a personal injury.
Do not use the binoculars while walking. Doing so may cause you to collide
into objects or fall down and could result in a personal injury.
Do not swing the binoculars around by the strap. Doing so may cause the
surrounding people to be hit by the binoculars and could result in a personal
injury or damage.
Fingers may be pinched when adjusting the width of the binoculars. Be aware
of this when the binoculars are being used by small children.
If damaged, do not touch the damaged portion or inside the product.
Do not wet, or allow liquids or foreign objects to enter.
Do not store the product in very hot or cold places. The product itself will heat
or cool, possibly causing burns or other injury when touched.
When used for a prolonged period or when used repeatedly, the rubber
eyecups may irritate the skin around the eyes. If you suspect that this may
have occurred, please see a physician.
Caution (regarding the batteries)
Details pertaining to risks that may result in injury or damage to other objects.
Please remove the batteries when not using the binoculars. If the batteries
are left inside, leakage may lead to malfunction, staining, or fire.
In the event that liquid from the inside of the batteries leaks out and contacts
your skin, be sure to wash the liquid off thoroughly. Also, do not rub your eyes
or mouth using any hand that made contact with liquid from the batteries.
If eyes or mouth are exposed to the liquid, thoroughly rinse in clean, cold
water and seek medical attention immediately.
When removing or disposing of batteries, insulate the contacts by covering
them with tape, as contact with other metals may cause fire or rupturing.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Canon 10X20 IS

Canon 10X20 IS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

Canon 10X20 IS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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