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This programme carries out three rinses with a intermediate spin (which
can be reduced or excluded by using the correct button).It can be used
for rinsing any type of fabric, eg. use after hand-washing.
Programme “SPIN” carries out a maximum spin (which can be reduced by
using the correct button).
This programme drains out the water.
This is a new wash cycle which alternates washing and soaking and is
particularly recommended for very delicate fabrics.
The wash cycle and rinses are carried out with high water levels to ensure
best results.
The special cycle enables to thoroughly wash garments without damaging
them. The cycle comprises of alternate periods of activity and pauses. The
programme has a maximum temperature of 40° and concludes with 3 rinses
and a short spin.
This washing machine also has a gentle Hand Wash programme cycle.
This programme allows a complete washing cycle for garments specified
as “Hand Wash only” on the fabric care label. The programme has a
temperature of 30°C and concludes with 3 rinses and a slow spin.
This specially designed programme maintains the high quality wash
performance for resistant fabrics like Jeans.
The programme has a maximum temperature of 40°C , ideal for
removing the dirty without damaging the elasticity of the fibres.
Programme selector
For the various types of fabrics and various degrees of dirt the washing machine has
different programme bands according to: wash cycle, temperature and lenght of cycle (see
table of washing cycle programmes).
The Cotton programme is designed for maximum washing and rinsing
efficiency. With spin cycles in between, the programme guarantees the
laundry is rinsed perfectly. The final spin cycle ensures laundry is spun dry
as much as possible up to the maximum speed.
The Cotton programme includes a Prewash cycle. This option is
particularly useful for really dirty loads and can be used independently of
the main wash programme. Additional detergent for the Prewash part of
the programme should be added to the first compartment of the soap
drawer labelled "1" (please refer to the section of this manual entitled
“Detergent”). We recommend you use only 20% of the quantity used for
the main wash programme.
The Cotton programme is also designed for maximum washing and rinsing
efficiency. With spin cycles in between, the programme guarantees the
laundry is rinsed perfectly. The final spin cycle ensures laundry is spun dry
as much as possible up to the maximum speed. This cycle is set to 40°C,
but the temperature may be altered using the Temperature option button.
The main wash and the rinse gives best results thanks to the rotation
rhythms of the drum and to the water levels.
Agentle spin will mean that the fabrics become less creased.
The Rapid programme allows a washing cycle to be completed in just 14
minutes! This programme is particularly suited to slightly dirty cottons and
mixed fabrics.
Using the Stain Level button on the Rapid cycle will enable you to select
either a 14, 30 or 44 minute wash cycle.
When selecting the rapid programme, please note that we recommend you
use only 20% of the recommended quantities shown on the detergent pack.
For information about these programmes please refer to the programmes table.

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