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We recommend you keep the instructions for installation and use for later reference, and before installing the appliance, note its serial
number below in case you need to get help from the after sales service.
. Identification plate is located at the back of the Duo.
1 GB
You should entrust the electrical connection of your
appliance to an approved installer or technician with similar
The DUO consists of two elements an oven and a diswasher.
For safety reasons under no circumstances should any
modifications be carried out to this appliance.
This appliance is designed for domestic use only.
If the DUO shows even the smallest defect, do not connect it.
Disconnect from the power supply and immediately contact an
approved service agent.
There are certain basic safety rules which are valid for any
domestic appliance. They are the following :
- Never touch the appliance when your hands or feet are wet or
- Do not use it when your feet are bare.
- Do not remove the plug from the mains supply socket by pulling
the mains cable or the machine itself.
- Do not leave the appliance exposed to the elements (rain, sun etc...).
- Do not let children (or others incapable of operating it) use the
machine without supervision.
- Do not lean on the doors or not allow children to do so.
• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities,
or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance
by a person responsible for their safety.
• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play
with the appliance.
All accessible parts are hot when the DUO is in operation. Keep
young children away from the appliance when in use.
After each use we recommend that some cleaning of the DUO
is undertaken. This prevents the accumulation of dirt or grease
which gets re-cooked and burns, generating unpleasant smells
and smoke.
Never use a steam or high pressure spray to clean the appliance.
Do not store flammable products in the DUO as they can catch
fire if the appliance is inadvertlanty switched on.
Use oven gloves when placing or removing a dish from the oven.
Do not line the oven walls with aluminium foil or single-use oven
protectors available from some stores. Aluminium or any other
protection, in direct contact with the hot enamel, risks melting
the enamel or causing deterioration to the inside.
When cooking with fats or oils, always take care to watch the
cooking process as heated fats and oils can catch fire rapidly.
The dishwasher is designed for normal kitchen utensils. Objects
that have been contamined by petrol, paint, traces of steel or
iron, corrosive chemicals, acids or alkalis must not be washed
in the dishwasher.
There should not be water left in the machine or on the dishes
at the end of the wash programme.
If you wish to dispose of an old dishwasher be careful to remove
the door to eleminate the risk of children becoming trapped
inside it.
The dishwasher has been made from materials which can be
recycled so that it can be disposed of in an environmentally
friendly way.
Ensure that the dishwasher does not crush power cables.
It is not advisable to use adaptors, multiple plugs and/or extension
Any queries regarding the power supply cord should be referred
to After Sales Service or a qualified technician.
When the appliance is located on a carpet floor, attention must
be paid to ensure that there is no obstructions to the bottom vents.
Any failure to follow the above advice may have serious
consequences for the safety of the appliance.
In order to improve the quality of the products, CANDY
may carry out modifications linked to technical
Appliance complies with European Directives 73/23/EEC and
89/336/EEC, replaced by 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC, and
subsequent amendments.
We recommend during the installation of the appliance on a base
to verify the stability and to take the necessary measures to avoid
a possible sliding.
Place settings
Water consumption
2100 W
9 lt

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