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Detergents, washing aids and amounts to use
Choice of detergent
General purpose detergents
- Powder detergents, for a thorough wash, with bleaching agent, particularly suitable for
use in hot wash programmes (60°C and over), for heavily soiled and stained laundry.
- Liquid detergents, particularly suitable for grease stains, such as greasy skin marks,
cosmetics and oil.
These detergents are not suitable for washing stained laundry, as they do not contain
- Biological detergents, not all the products available give a really thorough wash.
Additional laundry aids
- Water softener, means less detergent can be used where water hardness is classed as
hard to very hard.
- Prewash substances, for the programmed treatment of stains prior to the main wash.
Using them means the subsequent wash can be at a low temperature or with bleach-free
- Fabric softener, prevents static build-up in synthetic fabrics and softens fabrics.
If you own a tumble dryer, clothes are softened even without the use of a fabric softener.
Do not put solvents in the washing machine!
Keep detergents and other laundry products out of children’s reach.
Before pouring in the detergent check that there are no foreign bodies in the detergent
Dosage details are usually shown on the detergent packaging. Follow those instructions.
Detergent drawer
The detergent drawer is split into 3 compartments:
- the compartment labelled "I" is for prewash detergent;
- the compartment labelled " " is for special additives,
fabric softeners, fragrances, starch, brighteners etc;
-the compartment labelled "II" is for main wash
If liquid detergents are used, please insert the special
container supplied into the compartment marked “II” in the
detergent drawer. This ensures that the liquid detergent
enters the drum at the right stage of the wash cycle.
This special container must be inserted into the
compartment marked "II" in the detergent drawer, also
when you wish to use the "RINSE" programme as
Some Detergents are Difficult to
utilise. Ensure to use an in drum
dispenser if recommended by
the detergent Manufacturer.
Note: only put liquid products in the compartment
labelled “ ”. The machine is programmed to
automatically take up additives during the final rinse
stage for all wash cycles.

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