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Possible causes and practical solutions
The washing machine
does not work / start
Make sure the product is plugged into a working supply socket.
Make sure power is on.
Make sure the wall socket is working, testing it with another
appliance such as a lamp.
The door may not be correctly closed: open and close it again.
Check whether the required program was correctly selected and the
start button pressed.
Make sure the washing machine is not in pause or time delay mode.
Water leaked on the
floor near the
washing machine
This may be due to a leak from the seal between the tap, supply
hose and fill valve; in this case, replace it and tighten the hose
connections correctly.
Make sure the front filter is correctly closed.
The washing machine
does not spin
The machine is fitted with a detection system that protects the load
and product from damage if the load is not balanced before spinning.
This may result in:-
The machine attempts to balance the load, increasing the time of
Reduction of the speed of spin to decrease vibrations and noise.
The spin cycle aborting to protect the machine and load.
If this is experienced remove the load de-tangle it, reload it and
restart the spin program.
This could be due to the fact that water has not been completely
drained: wait a few minutes. If the problem persists, see Error 3
Some models include a "no spin" function: make sure it is not
Check which options are selected and their effect on the spin cycle.
Excessive detergent can impede the spin cycle, ensure the correct
amount of detergent is being used.
Strong vibrations /
noises are heard
during the spin cycle
The washing machine may not be fully levelled: if necessary, adjust
the feet as indicated in the specific section.
Make sure transport screws, rubber bungs and spacer tubes were
Make sure there are no foreign objects inside the drum (coins,
hinges, buttons, etc).
The standard manufacturer warranty covers faults caused by electrical or
mechanical faults in the product due to an act or omission of the manufacturer. If
a fault is found to be caused by factors outside the product supplied, miss-use or
as a result of the instructions on use not being followed, a charge may be

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