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The correct way to wash
Preparing the laundry
A) Select the laundry.
Loading the laundry
B) Open the porthole.
C) Put the laundry in the washing machine.
Close the porthole again, ensuring that no items of
laundry are obstructing the lock.
Putting detergent in machine
D) Open the drawer, choose the detergent and put in the
correct amount, according to the manufacturers
instructions and the advice on page 18.
Add any other laundry aids (see page 18). Close the
drawer again.
Selecting the wash programme
NOTE: When selecting the programme, make sure that
the machine is switched off at the on/off switch on the
control panel.
Refer to the programme guide or the programme descriptions on the machine to select the
most suitable programme.
Turning the selector knob the required programme is activated.
When the START button is pressed the machine sets the working sequence in motion.
Warning: If there is any break in the power supply while
the machine is operating, a special memory stores the
selected programme and, when the power is restored, it
continues where it left off.
Check that the tap is turned on and that the discharge
hose is positioned correctly.
When the programme is finished
Wait for the door lock to be released (about 2 minutes after the programme has finished).
Switch off the machine by resetting the on/off button, turn the timer knob for wash programme
on the OFF position and open the door by pressing the door open button. Remove the
laundry. Turn off the tap.
Sorting the laundry
- It is recommended you wash only items which are machine washable with water and
detergent and not dry-clean items.
- If you need to wash rugs, bedspreads or other heavy items, it is best not to spin them.
- Sort the laundry according to fabric type, degree of soiling and wash temperature: Always
follow the wash care advice on the garment label for the most suitable care and
treatment of the laundry
Laundry for hot wash
Coloured, easy-care materials
Delicates and wool
Wash by hand
Items labelled with the following symbol are not suitable for machine washing:
Dry clean
For very delicate items, such as net curtains, underwear, tights etc., you are advised to
use a laundry net or wash bag.
- Woollen items must be labelled with the "Pure New Wool" symbol to be washed in the
machine , and must also be labelled "non-matting" or "machine washable".
- Colour often leaks from new coloured items.
This can then colour other lighter items being washed.
We therefore recommend that coloured items should be washed for the first time
For future washes, colourfast items can only be washed with whites up to 40°C.
Note: when sorting laundry
-check there are no metal objects in the laundry
(such as paper clips, safety pins, pins, coins
- button up pillowcases, fasten zips, hook & eye
fasteners, belts and long dressing gown cords;
-remove curtain hooks;
- pay close attention to the labels on items
-if you notice stubborn stains whilst sorting the
laundry, remove them using a special detergent or
a special stain remover.
-We recommend that you do not do a full load of towelling items only as these become too
heavy since they absorb a lot of water.

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