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EN - 27 -
Old and out-of-order fridges
If your old fridge has a lock, break or remove the lock before discarding it, because
children may get trapped inside it.
Old fridges and freezers contain isolation material and refrigerant with CFC. Therefore,
take care not to harm environment when you are discarding your old fridges.
Please ask your local authority about the disposal of the WEEE for the
reuse, recycle and recovery purposes.
Please read the instruction manual carefully before installing and using your appliance.
We are not responsible for damage due to misuse.
Follow all instructions on your appliance and instruction manual, and keep this manual
in a safe place to resolve problems that may occur in the future.
This appliance is produced to be used in homes and it can only be used in domestic
environments and for the specied purposes. It is not suitable for commercial or
common use. Such use will cause the guarantee of the appliance to be cancelled and
our company will not be responsible for the losses to be occurred.
This appliance is produced to be used in houses and it is only suitable for cooling / storing
foods. It is not suitable for commercial or common use and/or for storing substances
except for food. Our company is not responsible for the losses to be occurred in the
contrary case.
Safety warnings
Do not use multiple sockets or extension cords.
Do not plug in damaged, torn or old plugs.
Do not pull, bend or damage the cord.
Do not twist and bend the cables, and keep them away from hot surfaces.
After installation make sure that the power cable is not trapped
underneath appliance.
This appliance is designed for use by adults, do not allow children
to play with the appliance or let them hang off the door.
Do not plug-in or un-plug from the socket with wet hands to prevent

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