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The indicators display the
type of programme and/or
drying time:
utomatic Programmes
: By
selecting one of these 3
automatic programmes,the
washer-dryer will calculate
the time needed for drying
and the residual dampness
required, according to the
load and drying type
After pressing the START
button, one of the indicators
will light to display the drying
time remaining.
= Extra dry drying
programme (recommended
for towels, bathrobes and
bulky loads)
= Cupboard dry
drying programme
= Iron dry drying
The 30 minute drying
programme is recommended
for small loads (less than 1 kg)
or slightly damp loads.
Your washer-dryer ends the
cycle automatically when it
reaches the drying level
For the correct operation of
the appliance, it is preferable
not to interrupt the drying
phase unless it is really
imed programmes:
120 minutes – 90 minutes – 60
minutes – 30 minutes:
Dual function indicators:
If one of the 3 automatic
drying programmes is
selected, the indicators
display the drying time
They may be used to select
timed drying programmes.
Cool do
wn phase :
Switched on during the final
cool down period, in the last
10 minutes of each drying
Indikatorji kaÏejo izbrani
program in/ali trajanje
Avtomatski programi:
âe izberete katerega od 3
avtomatskih programov, bo
pralno-su‰ilni stroj sam
preraãunal ãas, potreben za
su‰enje, in sam doloãil
ustrezno stopnjo vlaÏnosti na
osnovi vrste perila in izbrane
vrste su‰enja.
Po pritisku na tipko START bo
osvetljeni indikator za prikazal
trajanje su‰enja.
“ ” = Program su‰enja
za zelo suho perilo
(priporoãamo ga za brisaãe,
kopalne halje,…)
“ ” = Program su‰enja
za v omaro
“ ” = Program su‰enja
za likanje
30-minutni program su‰enja je
primeren za su‰enje manj‰e
koliãine perila (manj kot 1 kg)
ali za le nekoliko vlaÏno perilo.
Pralno-su‰ilni stroj avtomatsko
zakljuãi program, ko doseÏe
izbrano stopnjo suhosti.
Zaradi pravilno delovanje
stroja odsvetujemo prekinitev
programa su‰enja, razen ãe je
to nujno potrebno.
âasovni pr
120 minut – 90 minut – 60
minut – 30 minut:
Indikatorji imajo dve vlogi:
âe izberete katerega od 3
avtomatskih programov
su‰enja, indikatorji kaÏejo ãas
do konca su‰enja.
S pomoãjo indikatorjev pa
tudi izberate ãasovne
programe su‰enja.
Faza hlajenja
Program se zakljuãi s fazo
hlajenja, ki poteka zadnjih 10
minut vsakega programa
With the programme selector
not in the OFF position, press
the button to select the
required drying programme;
an indicator will light to
display the drying result
selected each time you press
the button.
To cancel the selection
before the start of a drying
programme,press the button
repeatedly until the
indicators go out or return the
programme selector to the
OFF position.
To cancel the cycle during
the drying phase, hold the
button down for 3 seconds
until the cooling indicator
lights up; given the high
temperature inside the drum,
we recommend that you
allow the dryer to complete
the cool down period before
returning the programme
selector to the OFF position
and removing the laundry.
âe gumb za izbiranje ni v
izklopljenem poloÏaju (OFF),
ustrezen program su‰enja
izberete s pritiskom na to
tipko. Ob vsakem pritisku na
tipko se osvetli indikator za
rezultat su‰enja skladno z
izbranim programom.
âe Ïelite izbiro preklicati pred
zagonom programa su‰enja,
tolikokrat pritisnite na tipko, da
vsi indikatorji ugasnejo, ali pa
obrnite gumb za izbiranje
programov v izklopljeni
âe Ïelite program preklicati
med fazo su‰enja, 3 sekunde
pritiskajte na tipko, dokler se
ne osvetli indikator faze
hlajenja. Ker je temperatura v
bobnu visoka, priporoãamo,
da pred pobiranjem perila iz
stroja poãakate, da stroj
opravi fazo hlajenja in ‰ele
nato obrnete gumb za
izbiranje programov v
izklopljeni poloÏaj.

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