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burns. Take necessary precautions when you turn the iron with the sole plate up. In the
water tank there still might be hot water, even after the iron has been unplugged.
19. DO NOT allow fabrics or flammable materials to have too long contact with the hot iron.
20. The cord should not touch the sole plate while it is hot. After use leave the iron for
complete cooling before putting it away.
21. When you do not use the iron, even for a short time, turn off the steam option.
22. Under no circumstances should you iron clothes and fabrics on people or animals.
23. Never direct steam shot at people or animals.
24. Use the self-cleaning option at least once a month25. The iron must be used on a flat,
stable surface and only on such a surface it must be put away.
26. Never fill the water tank with odorants, chemical or descaling agents.
Device desription (Art..1):
1. Brush 9. water cover
2. Brush lining 10. A cover
3. Brush clip 11. LED Light
4. Head 12. Guiderail
5. Burst button 13. Brush head lock push button
6. Steam button lock 14. handle cover
7. handle 15. Bushings
8. Water tank 16 ORNAMENT
a. During the first few uses, the appliance may produce smoke, a harmless odour and a light emission of particles. These are simply the
engineering residues from the manufacturing process burning off. These are harmless and will quickly disappear.
b. The device needs to wait for the LED Light to go off before turning on the steam button for the first time to prevent water from
c. When the device is used for the first time, there is a delay 40s, and the LED light flashes at the same time. Steam can only be
discharged when the LED light is not flashing.
d. When the device is used, it is accidentally cut off the power supply, and then used again, the PCB program will restart, and it needs
to delay 40s to be used;
Remove the mains plug from the wall socket before filling( or emptying) the steam brush with water.
Remove the water tank with two hands at the direction of arrow showed above.
Pull up and Remove the water inlet stopper.
Your appliance was designed to operate using pure distilled water. However, it is necessary to periodically clean the appliance to remove
any mineral deposits.
Press the head lock button down and then push the head downwoards.
We recommended that you test acrylic, nylon or other synthetic fabrics in an inconspicuous area to ensure these fabrics are not
damaged by hot steam
As steam is very hot: never attempt to remove creases from a garment while it is being worn, always hang garments on a clothes
Hang your garment on a clothes hanger.
The fabric brush opens the weaves of the fabrics for better steam penetration. Before removing or attaching the steam brush, unplug
your appliance and allow it to cool down.
During use or while unit is heating or cooling do not rest appliance on its head. Place the product on a stable, heat resistant, flat surface,
as the head will be hot. As the appliance heats, the housing becomes warm. This is normal.
Plug-in the appliance, the light is turned on. Wait until the light turn off, the appliance is ready to use.
Press the steam button with the steam brush facing away from you holding it in a vertical position
Wait for an hour for your appliance to cool before storing
Tip: During use or while the unit is heating or cooling, place the product on a flat stable and heat-resistant place.
After use it ,please remove the water tank, empty the water tank completely, then return the water tank to its place on the appliance.
Technical Data:
Voltage: 220-240V~ 50/60Hz
Power: 1200W
To protect your environment: please separate carton boxes and plastic bags and dispose them in corresponding waste
bins. Used appliance should be delivered to the dedicated collecting points due to hazarsous components, which may
effect the environment. Do not dispose this appliance in the common waste bin.

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