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There is no video on the TV
Check if your Apple device is correctly docked in the iD100.
Check if your Apple device is playing a video rather than an
audio track.
Check the 3-position toggle switch is set to the correct video
Check you are using the right connections on the video
cable and on the TV.
Check if your TV/receiver is turned on and that the right
input source and type (composite or component) is
Check if the video cable and DC adaptor are firmly and
correctly connected.
Check you have your Apple device set correctly to PAL or
There is no sound from my Stereo system
Check if your Apple device is correctly docked in the iD100.
Check if your Apple device is playing.
Check if your Amplifier/receiver is turned on, the right
input/source is selected and the volume is turned up.
Check if the audio cables and DC adaptor are firmly and
correctly connected.
The docking station does not charge the iPod’s
Check if your Apple device is correctly docked in the iD100.
Check the AC/DC power adaptor is firmly plugged into the
dock and the mains power socket outlet.
Check if you have turned charging Off (see remote section
of the manual).
The remote control does not function
For the remote control to work as intended with your Apple
device, the Apple device must be running the most updated
Apple software. If you need to upgrade, simply visit the
Apple device website and follow the instructions there for a
free download. Go to: http://www.apple.com
If it still does not work, please unplug the power cable for
one minute, then plug it back in (this resets the system).
Check if your Apple device is correctly docked in the iD100.
Try the remote from different locations and see if it works.
Strong fluorescent lighting or other room conditions may
cause the problem. Make sure nothing blocks the infra-red
(IR) signal path between the remote and the iD100.
Check that the remote control’s battery is correctly inserted
and has not expired.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio iD100

Cambridge Audio iD100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Cambridge Audio iD100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Cambridge Audio iD100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 20 pagina's

Cambridge Audio iD100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 20 pagina's

Cambridge Audio iD100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 20 pagina's

Cambridge Audio iD100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 20 pagina's

Cambridge Audio iD100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 20 pagina's

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