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Thank yyou ffor ppurchasing tthis CCambridge AAudio aazur rrange CCD pplayer. IIt
is tthe rresult oof oour mmost eexte
nsive eever rresearch aand ddevelopment
program iin oover tthree ddecades oof pproducing qquality aaudio pproducts. WWe
hope tthat yyou wwill aappreciate tthe rresults aand eenjoy mmany yyears oof
listening ppleasure.
About tthis uunit
The azur range utilises a highly advanced control system that has been
custom designed for Cambridge Audio. At the heart of this system is a
VLSI (very large scale integration) circuit which dynamically adjusts the
focusing, tracking and output level of the laser for the maximum
retrieval of digital information. Some models also feature separate
digital and analogue stabilised power supplies and high quality clock
modules, employing jitter regulation, which are coupled to the latest
Wolfson DACs and digital filters to give an outstanding level of
performance and reliability.
This attention to detail has resulted in CD players that are convincing in
the reproduction of both tonal colour and dynamic contrast, deliver a
vibrant and fluid performance with music of all types and are therefore
musically very involving.
To gain the greatest musical rewards from this equipment we would
encourage you to use only high quality amplification and revealing
loudspeakers. We particularly recommend amplification from the
Cambridge Audio azur range, which has been designed to the same
exacting standards as our CD players.
Interconnects and speaker cables are also something that shouldn't be
overlooked. Please do not compromise your system's performance by
using poor quality cables to connect your azur Compact Disk player to
your amplifier or the amplifiers output to your loudspeakers. A system is
only as good as its weakest link. For this reason we do not include cheap
"freebie" cables with any of our units. Your dealer can supply quality
Cambridge Audio interconnects that will ensure your whole system
realises its full potential.
Now we invite you to sit back, relax and enjoy!
Matthew Bramble
Technical Director
Limited warranty..........................................................................................2
Introduction ................................................................................................3
Safety precautions......................................................................................4
Rear panel connections ..........................................................................6-7
Front Panel Controls................................................................................6-7
Operating instructions ................................................................................8
540C/640C Compact disc player

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