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Switches the unit on and off.
Bass and Treble (AM5 only)
These controls allow subtle adjustments to the tonal balance of the
sound. In the central position these controls have no effect. They only
modify the sound through your loudspeakers, and do not affect the signals
sent through the Rec Out connections. If the musical recording is of poor
quality or other factors are affecting the sound quality, it may be
necessary to adjust the tone controls to compensate.
Use to increase or decrease the level of the sound from the outputs of the
amplifier. This control affects the level of the loudspeaker output, it does
not affect the Rec Out connections. It is advisable to turn the Volume
control fully anti-clockwise before switching the amplifier on.
This control allows you to adjust the relative output levels of the left and
right channels. In the central position the output from each channel is
equal. This control only modifies the sound through your loudspeakers –
it does not affect the signals sent through the Rec Out connections.
Source selector switch
(BD/DVD, CD, Tuner/DAB, MP3/Aux)
Select the appropriate input source component that you wish to listen to.
The signal selected is also fed to the Rec Out sockets so that it may be
recorded. The input should not be changed whilst recording.
MP3 Input (AM5 only)
This source allows you to connect a portable audio device such as an MP3
player directly into the front of the unit using a 3.5mm stereo-jack. Once
plugged in, this input is selected when the source selector switch is set to
Note: If the MP3/Aux input on the rear panel is required, remove the jack
from the front of the unit to enable the MP3/Aux input.
Front panel controls
On / Off
Integrated Amplifier
MP3 In
MP3 / Aux
Tuner / DAB
On / Off
Integrated Amplifier
MP3 / Aux
Tun er / D AB
Care should be taken to ensure no stray strands of wire are shorting the
speaker outputs together. Please ensure that the loudspeaker terminals
have been tightened adequately to provide a good electrical connection.
It is possible for the sound quality to be affected if the screw terminals are
AC power cable
Once all connections are complete, plug the captive AC power cable into
an appropriate mains socket and turn the unit on.
Rear panel connections
Audio inputs
These inputs are suitable for any ‘line level’ source equipment such as the
audio outputs of CD players, BD/DVD players, etc.
Rec Out
Connect to a tape deck or to the analogue Record In sockets of a MiniDisc
or CD recorder etc.
Loudspeaker terminals
Connect the wires from your left channel loudspeaker to the Left positive
and negative terminals, and the wires from the right channel loudspeaker
to the Right positive and negative terminals. In each case, the red terminal
is the positive output and the black terminal is the negative output.
1 2 3
1 2
3 4
1 3 4 5

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio TOPAZ AM1

Cambridge Audio TOPAZ AM1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Cambridge Audio TOPAZ AM1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Cambridge Audio TOPAZ AM1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 8 pagina's

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