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D/A Converters Dual Wolfson WM8740 24-bit DACs
Analogue lter 2-Pole Dual Differential Bessel Double
Virtual Earth Balanced
THD @ 1kHz 0dBFs <0.001% 24-bit (at volume set to full)
THD @ 1kHz -10dBFs <0.001% (at volume set to full)
THD @ 20kHz 0dBFs <0.002% (at volume set to full)
Frequency Response 20Hz-20kHz +/- 0.1dB *
Signal to Noise ratio -112dBr (at volume set to full)
Total correlated jitter < 130pS
Crosstalk @ 1kHz < -100dB
Crosstalk @ 20kHz < -90dB
Digital outputs S/PDIF Co-axial and Toslink Optical
16/24-bit, 32-96kHz
Audio Formats WAV containing uncompressed
PCM 16/24-bit 32-96kHz
FLAC containing losslessly compressed
PCM 16/24-bit 32-96kHz
AIFF containing uncompressed
PCM 16-bit 32-48kHz
Microsoft® Windows Media
(WMA 9 Standard) 32-320kbps
MP3 (CBR or VBR) 16-320kbps
(CBR or VBR) 16-320kbps
OGG Vorbis 32-320kbps
Streaming Protocols RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)
MMS (Microsoft Media Server Protocol)
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
Playlists ASX (Microsoft® playlist format) M3U, PLS
Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g or n
(2.4GHz connection used only)
Wi-Fi Encryption WEP, WPA, WPA2
Ethernet IEEE 802.3, 10 Base-T or 100 Base-T
USB 2 x USB 1.1 current limited to 1A each
File systems FAT32, NTFS
Mains inlet voltage 100-240 VAC (switch mode)
Standby consumption <0.5W
Max power consumption 30W
Dimensions 85 x 430 x 305mm
(3.4 x 16.9 x 12.2”)
Weight 4 Kg(8.8lbs)
* Steep lter disabled
* iRadio/Streaming Services are output as 16-bit data at the appropriate sample
rate for the decompressed data. The sample rate will be 32kHz, 44.1kHz or 48kHz
depending on the streams sample rate.
Incoming streams of less than 32kHz sample rate cannot be output over S/P DIF
For compressed streams the true resolution of the audio is of course limited by
the encoding.
For Media content from local drives or UPnP this outputs in its native resolution of
16/24-bit, 32kHz 44.1kHz 48kHz or 96kHz with bit for bit transfer.
If you experience any trouble with your Stream Magic 6, then you may nd it useful
to visit the help section on our webpage at http://support.cambridgeaudio.com/.
If you have trouble with the Stream Magic service then you may also nd it useful
to visit the help section at www.stream-magic.com.
General Help guidelines:
If you have trouble connecting the Stream Magic 6 to your network, these steps
may help to resolve the problem:
Conrm that a connected computer can access the Internet (i.e. can browse the
web) using the same network.
Check that a DHCP server is available, or that you have congured a static IP
address on the Stream Magic 6. You can congure a static IP address on the
Stream Magic 6 using the menu item ‘Settings -> Network Cong -> Edit Cong’,
and then select ‘No’ for ‘Auto (DHCP)’. DHCP is however the recommended
Check that your network’s rewall is not blocking any outgoing ports. As a
minimum, the radio needs access to UDP and TCP ports 80, 5 54, 1755, 5000,
6000 and 7070.
Check your access point does not restrict connections to a particular MAC
addresses. You can view the radio’s MAC address using the menu item ‘Settings
-> Network Cong -> View Cong -> MAC address’.
If you have an encrypted Wi-Fi network, check that you have entered the correct
key or passphrase into the Stream Magic 6. Remember that text-format keys
are case sensitive. If, when attempting to connect to an encrypted network,
your Stream Magic 6 displays: ‘Wireless error’ followed by a 5-digit number,
then please ensure that you enter the correct passphrase for the network. If
the problem persists, then you may need to consult your network conguration.
If your Stream Magic 6 can connect to the network successfully, but is unable to
play particular Stream Magic stations, it may be due to one of the following causes:
The station is not broadcasting at this time of the day (remember it may be
located in a different time zone).
The station has reached the maximum allowed number of simultaneous listeners.
• The station is not broadcasting anymore.
• The link in our database is simply out of date.
The Internet connection between the server (often located in a different country)
and you is slow.
• Try using a computer to play back the stream via the broadcaster’s web site.
If you can play back the station with a computer, you can use the form at www.
stream-magic.com to notify us so that we can investigate.
If you have problems with UPnP playback always check the following:
Ensure your chosen UPnP server software is capable of serving the le type you
are trying to access. Some servers do not serve FLAC for instance.
The Stream Magic 6 can only play non DRM les. Files that have DRM controls
cannot be played by the Stream Magic 6. Some servers may be able to authorise
and de-crypt Microsoft Playsforsure before then serving the content to the
Stream Magic 6 but this operation is not guaranteed as it is purely a function
of the server.
If attempting to play 24-bit WAV or FLAC content note a wired Ethernet connection
is normally required for reliable operation due to bandwidth considerations.
Check the Stream Magic 6 is capable of playing back the le type you are trying
to access. WMA, AAC, MP3, Vorbis, FLAC and WAV can currently be played. The
Stream Magic 6 does not support ALAC, WMA Pro, WMA lossless, RAW, AU or
other le types not mentioned.
If you have problems with USB Media playback always check the following:
Check the Stream Magic 6 is capable of playing back the le type you are trying
to access. WMA, AAC, MP3, Vorbis, FLAC and WAV can currently be played.
The Stream Magic 6 does not support ALAC, WMA Pro, WMA lossless, RAW, AU or
other le types not mentioned.
For USB Media the Stream Magic 6 can only play non DRM les. Files that have
DRM controls cannot be played.
Check that your device does not require more than 1A if it is powered from the
USB socket itself.
• Check your device is formatted in FAT32 format.
The way you organise your USB media affects the size of internal database the
Stream Magic 6 needs to build dynamically as you browse content. Good practice
is to create folders for Artists within which you should have a sub folders for each
Album which then containing the tracks for that Album. Libraries with thousands
of tracks in one folder will progressively slow down the Stream Magic 6s media
For all servicing, in or out of warranty, please contact your dealer.
Technical specications Troubleshooting

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 19 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 19 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 19 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 19 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 19 pagina's

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