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Help and Troubleshooting
Get the free
MinxAir App
Search for internet radio stations from
around the world, control the volume,
bass and EQ settings from the comfort of
your armchair.
Free MinxAir App download from the
iTunes App store or Google Play store
(requires iOS 6 or later/Android 3.0 or later).
For set up videos and FAQs visit: www.cambridge-audio.com/MinxAirSetup
Consult the online user manual for more detailed information.
Adjust the bass of your Minx Air to
your listening environment. The bass
can also be controlled from the
MinxAir App and the remote control.
Top tips
Bass control
Internet Radio presets –
press to listen to internet radio
Power buttonVolume upVolume down
X Button –
press to listen to the
analogue input
Power button
1-10 Internet
Radio presets
Bass control
Press the button on the
Minx Air to put your Minx Air
into Bluetooth pairing mode.
Enable Bluetooth connectivity on
your Bluetooth device (eg.
phone, tablet, etc) and pair with
the Minx Air (you may need to
consult your phone or tablet
operating instructions).
Once paired, music from your
device will play through the
Minx Air.
Auto power down
The Minx Air will automatically turn
off after four hours use. This
environmental feature can be
adjusted or disabled in the MinxAir
App, available from the iTunes App
store or Google Play store.
Once you have connected your
Minx Air to your home network
(see overleaf) then you’re ready
to listen to internet radio!
To get you started, we’ve stored
10 of our favourite internet radio
stations in your presets. Presets
1-5 can be easily selected and
played by pressing buttons 1-5 on
the top of the unit.
Presets 1-10 can be selected using
the remote control or the free
MinxAir App.
Also, using the MinxAir App, you
can search for new stations from
around the world and change the
presets to your own preferred
Bluetooth –
press to listen to Bluetooth
Min Max
X button
Press X once to stop the playback of
Airplay, Bluetooth or Internet radio or to
select the analogue input.
Press X a second time to mute playback of
the analogue input
Minx Air
Minx Air Minx Air
Minx Air
Minx Air100/200 Wireless music system
To talk to us, call +44 (0)20 3514 1521 (UK Local) or 1 8773578204 (USA)
Register your
Minx Air system
using the App for
FREE lifetime
technical support!

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Zoeken resetten

  • Krijg het niet voor elkaar mijn minx 100 op het wifinetwerk te krijgen wel geluid via Bluetooth. Wat doe ik verkeerd?
    Gesteld op 8-2-2021 om 23:33

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • mijn mini 200 is verbonden met wifi en bleutooth maar geeft geen geluid na resetten ook niet er komt gewoon geen geluid uit wat te doen? Gesteld op 13-4-2020 om 14:11

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio MINX AIR 200

Cambridge Audio MINX AIR 200 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Cambridge Audio MINX AIR 200 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Cambridge Audio MINX AIR 200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 13 pagina's

Cambridge Audio MINX AIR 200 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 2 pagina's

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