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Incognito multi-room
Incognito multi-room 15
The AH10 is compact and can be mounted either horizontally, or
vertically, such as on a wall, and is powered by a dedicated power
supply (Incognito PS10).
Try to ensure that the AH10 and it’s source components are
powered from the same set of mains outlets.
VH10 video hub
The VH10 video hub works in conjunction with the AH10 to provide
video signals to all connected zones, via RG6/CT100 co-axial
cabling. Up to six video input sources and a CCTV input may be
connected and distributed, with their corresponding audio signals
routed through the AH10 as one of its dedicated six inputs.
The VH10 may be mounted either horizontally or vertically in the
same manner as the AH10, and power is provided by the AH10 via a
Cat-5e patch cable, so no extra power supply or mains socket is required.
When deciding upon a location for the AH10 and VH10 units consid-
eration should be given to space constraints, and power points for
the source equipment and AH10, as well as integration into any
existing setups.
KP10 A-BUS keypad
Simple and intuitive control is provided by the KP10 A-BUS keypad.
Housed in a stylishly designed casing, the KP10 fits into any wall and
is available with different finishes to compliment various decorative
schemes. Control of your source equipment, volume, bass, treble and
other functions can be performed by the KP10.
Each KP10 may be used as a main zone or sub-zone controller, with
the only difference being that the sub-zone must listen to/watch the
same source as the main zone.
Should extra amplification power, or an active subwoofer be
required (to provide more bass), a line level pre-amp output is
provided on the back of the KP10.
AS10/SS10 speakers
When placing the ceiling-mounted speakers, thought should be
given to positions which give the best desired sound coverage
throughout a room, while not interfering with existing or planned
light fittings or joists.
It is advisable to plan all aspects of installation in advance of work
beginning, preferably with the house/flat building schematics if available.
CCTV system connection
It is possible to connect a CCTV camera to your multi-room system.
Refer to the section on ‘Advanced system options’ for details.
Please note that extra cabling will be required in addition to that
explained in the installation notes.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio Incognito AH10

Cambridge Audio Incognito AH10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Incognito AH10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 26 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Incognito AH10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 26 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Incognito AH10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 26 pagina's

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