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This guide is designed to make installing and using this product as
easy as possible. Information in this document has been carefully
checked for accuracy at the time of printing; however, Cambridge
Audio’s policy is one of continuous improvement, therefore design
and specications are subject to change without prior notice.
This document contains proprietary information protected by
copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be
reproduced by any mechanical, electronic or other means, in any
form, without prior written permission of the manufacturer. All
trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.
© Copyright Cambridge Audio Ltd 2018.
Make sure you register your Edge unit at:
For upcoming news on future products, software updates and
exclusive oers.
First and foremost, thank you for choosing Cambridge Audio.
I’m sure that you’re excited to listen to your new acquisition;
I hope your expectations will be surpassed and that the pleasure will
continue for many years to come.
At Cambridge Audio we are in awe of the way that music can move
us. It’s something that isn’t easy to describe, but you know how
wonderful it is.
Personally, listening to a quality system provokes the same reaction
every time, it takes hold of me, possesses me and demands that I
listen. I can lose myself for hours on a voyage of discovery, playing
tracks that I haven’t heard in years, and they all sound brand new.
It thrills me, I’ll be nodding, grinning, tapping and if theres a glass
of wine involved, dancing like a fool! It’s as exciting as hearing
the songs for the rst time, but with the added delight of recalling
feelings and memories too. It really is a beautiful thing.
And that power is why we developed Edge, the pinnacle of ve
decades of engineering precision, continuous audio innovation
and our lasting love of music. It’s the inevitable conclusion to the
singular objective that’s guided Cambridge Audio from the start; to
produce audio equipment that faithfully delivers a pure and natural
sound. Nothing added, nothing taken away.
Cambridge Audio was born in 1968, when a promising R&D business
established by some talented young technology graduates in
Cambridge, England, turned their attention to stereo ampliers.
Britain in the 1960s was an incredibly exciting place to be - a time
when British bands began to enjoy unprecedented global success,
our studios led the way in recording technology and a small group
of enterprising British engineers started to make equipment that
would accurately playback these landmark recordings.
50 years on, and all our engineering and design is still carried out
in the UK, by our dedicated teams in London and Cambridge.
There’s a few more of us working here now, and our head-oce has
relocated to central London; where we proudly continue to
deliver world class hi-.
Our quest for audio perfection is built on simple principles;
minimise the number of components in the signal path and select
each component by listening to discover those with the purest
sound. We’re immensely proud of what we’ve created, having spared
nothing in our eorts for perfection.
But ultimately this is about far more than the equipment and it’s
even more important than the music, it’s about your experience
when you listen. We hope that your Edge will transport you to some
of the magical moments in your life, reminding you exactly why you
fell in love with music in the rst place.
Time to sit down, take a breath, and let the music take you away,
wherever your heart desires.
Stuart George

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio Edge W

Cambridge Audio Edge W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

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