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80 Series DVD player 15
Audio Setup Page
EQ: Adjusts the final effect of the stereo output with a number of
optional presets.
Soundfield: Adjusts the final effect of the decoder output with a number
of surround effects presets.
SPDIF output: Switches the digital audio section of the decoder/output
between bitstream (Raw) and uncompressed stereo digital out (PCM).
The bitstream (Raw) must be selected to enable surround sound (Dolby
digital/DTS) to be sent to an external decoder via the audio digital
output (coaxial or optical). If only a stereo speaker system is to be used
then it is only necessary to set this option to PCM, then only two
channels of information are decoded and sent to the stereo audio
outputs (and the coax/optical digital audio output).
LPCM Out: This sets the maximum data rate for the digital audio output
(not the actual data rate from source) for connection to an external
decoding amplifier. The internal decoder will downsample if the
recorded material has a higher audio data rate although it will not
upsample if the recorded material has a lower audio data rate.
Dolby Digital setup/Dynamic: This allows the adjustment of the Dynamic
compression applied to the audio. This can be useful when listening to
action films (large dynamic range between talking and explosions) late
at night. When set to maximum this will force the quiet and loud parts
of the signal to a similar level.
Channel Trim: Allows adjustment of the decoder levels for each
individual channel in turn to optimise audio setup.
Note: When a film is playing it is not possible to access the setup menu unless the
stop button is pressed twice (clearing the film position altogether).
Video Setup Page
The various settings on this screen are all concerned with fine tuning
your DVD picture. You can adjust settings here whilst leaving the
television settings as they are.
Preference Page
TV Type: the DVD player can be set for either a European PAL television
or an NTSC unit. Alternatively AUTO will allow the DVD to adjust
automatically, following the TV format of the DVD disc.
Audio Setting: Setting a particular language here will mean the DVD will
automatically look for that language on any DVD inserted into the
Subtitle: Setting a particular language here means that the DVD will look
for this particular language. Setting it to the same as the Audio setting
will cancel the subtitles out.
Disc Menu: This allows adjustment of the Scene selection/Special
features menu where permissible by the disc.
Parental: Adjusting this blocks films above a set classification level (ie
PG13) from playing on the player if children are using it, if you wish.
Password: This is how to alter the above settings. The password default
is 7890 and can be changed by correctly entering the default followed
by your new password.
Default: This can restore all of the original factory settings if required.
85/86/89 DVD player

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio DVD89

Cambridge Audio DVD89 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

Cambridge Audio DVD89 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

Cambridge Audio DVD89 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 28 pagina's

Cambridge Audio DVD89 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 28 pagina's

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